Monday, August 12, 2013

Productive day

After spending much time pootling around looking at blogs and face book etc I finally got my act together and went and did some more rose bush pruning and wouldn't you know it I was out side 10 minutes and the sky went black and it poured!! So I waited until it passed and then continued for a while....then came inside and got cleaned up...went down the street and back.....spent more time on blogs, face book...when will I learn????? but then got organised and did some sewing...yay!!! And now I have another quilt top together.
all the blocks laid out ready to go

my quality controller resting ON the job!!! lol!

finished quilt top and I am very excited that most of the seams match up!!! Yay me!!

This succulent type plant lives near the kitchen and it has flowers - I think it is confused as it usually flowers in the spring and summer, but the flowers are beautiful! 

the rose bush I am taming!! I realise now I should have planted it on the other side of the arch because when the howling north wind blows (howls) it blows the rose off the arch and onto the garden, so I cut it back and away it grows again until the next time. Ideally it should be moved to the other side but it is too big now for that, so I guess I will keep cutting back every couple of years. :-)


  1. Hi Sue, I am glad to see you weren't whacked by any errant branches today! Your quilt looks fantastic, and Tupai is doing a good job of supervising I see! You did have a productive day!

  2. hope your face feels better today Sue and your top looks amazing,well done.xx

  3. Great work Sue. The rose pruning and a quilt top!


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