Friday, July 7, 2017


Tonight is Friday night with friends, a chance to have a virtual sew along with like minded people
You can sign up over at our hosts blog, Stitchingcubbyhole,Cheryll will be there to greet you

I found some more pins and sandwiched this quilt, all ready to sew tonight.
Happy sewing.


  1. Good 😊O n you for having a great project like this for tonight!

  2. Hi Sue, just playing catch up on all your posts . . . you are so productive my friend & have been busy as always. Lovely creations. Happy weekend to you Sue xx

  3. See you tonight Sue,your quilt looks great xx

  4. This looks great. The borders really makes the blocks pop.

  5. Oh that is such a pretty quilt, have fun tonight.

  6. Catching up on all your posts. Busy and productive as I expected. Have you ever thought about how many lives you touch with the selfless sewing that you do? Great work Sue. Love the picture of the supervisor in your last post. Very cute.

  7. Hope you enjoyed sitting sewing with us...and managed to quilt your sandwich...xox


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