Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Yarn bombing

On our walks in the park we have noticed little crochet hearts attached to things, like the Tane Mahuta statue (or what is left of it - some idiot stole the head, twice, so we just have the base now)
this is too far away but the crochet heart is near the base

here!! So we thought we would add to the little heart,

my crochet flowers

Tania's crochet flowers

Tania doing some "bombing"

Ollie being an assistant!! Boy these humans do strange things to dogs - I am sure he is thinking, but he was very patient with us!!

me doing some "bombing" - looks better with some colour I think!! 

again too far away..now we wait to see what happens...wonder if they will stay or be taken away?? Or added to......

1 comment:

  1. I wonder why the hearts were there. I noticed them on the bridge also. Your flowers certainly make a lovely addition either way.


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