on challenge #7 has been slow here as I have had a cold and cough that has laid me out for several days. When I returned to the Daylesford quilt I needed to do a Pinwheel border, that wasn't happening as my brain was too foggy, so instead I did a strip border
I was happy with that, the next border was a straight strip and I managed that.
Today I sat down to make a 9 patch border, not too hard, I needed 3 strips of the main fabric and 2 of the contrast as one strip of contrast was used to separate the 9 patches. Yep, got that I thought as I happily sewed all the strips together and then cut another to go in between. It wasn't until I started to cut into one and a half inch strips that I realised I had mucked up, you only need three strips for a 9 patch
so, I just sewed the strip on!!
There are no quilt police here and the quilt can be how I want it or make it I have decided!!!!
Fortunately the next few rows are plain strips, hopefully I can do them ok!
Spring has come in the garden, along with very windy and sometimes wet weather
the orchids are inside to stop them being destroyed by the weather
the have new hazards now, small boys and dogs!
The wisteria on the back deck is beautiful and the perfume is amazing, the back door has been open today and the perfume is blowing in on the breeze.
the ornamental peach tree is now in flower, the dark blossoms are the ornamental, the light pink is the fruiting peach that has come from the root stock and produces the most tasty Queen Ann type peaches.
If we can get then before the birds and possums!
progress so far.
I am off to try again!!
Happy stitching.