Monday, June 30, 2014

52 weeks word photo challenge

The word for this week is RED, well lots of things are RED coloured, actually as I sit and write this there is nothing RED on the table!! The RED I like the most is the colour you get in the sunrise or sunset, so luckily after a grey, windy rainy day yesterday, the sun came out a little just before it set and I took a couple of photos....probably more pink that RED but here we go
actually it isn't really RED is it????
Maybe I will try something else...
this was taken in March just after take off from Samoa, sunrise over the Pacific.
You can see the other RED photos over at Alsha's Space.
Good to have a look at!


  1. I love both photographs! "Red sky at night, sailers' delight" as the4y say!

  2. Shades of red. When I was making my colours quilt with shades of the colours in lights and darks, I realized that light red is actually pink! Lovely photos!


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