Wednesday, August 20, 2014

52 weeks word photo challenge

Well this photo should have been up here on Sunday (last weekend) but I have been slack, so today I tried to get a photo of Tupai, as the word for the week is HEAD, and I think he has a cute head but........
he turned this way.....

that way.....

peeked at me to see if I was still there.....

then shut his eyes...probably hoping I would just go away or scratch his back...he would probably prefer the latter!! Anyway this was the best I could get for this weeks word HEAD!! My model would not cooperate!!
Pop over to Alsha's Space to see the other HEAD photos...looks like some of us had the same idea!!


  1. Hello Tupai,he has a lovely head and is such a beautiful dog Sue.xx

  2. What an absolutely gorgeous dog - what breed is he? A real cutie pie!!


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