Friday, August 18, 2017

Yesterday and today

Yesterday the Supervisor and I went for a walk along the beach
it was a bit cloudy but good for walking

the tide was high,
we came back thru a new bush track

and found some fungi

a wattle tree in bloom

and more fungi growing from a tree branch under the ground.
Last night I finished the quilt for the Guild
just the label to sew on

and the quilting on the bear quilt is finished too, the binding on, just the hand sewing to do.
Today I have made another two churn dash blocks, I made a few blunders and had to bin one and start again
I was very happy to finish these two and then realised I had used two different reds in the one on the left!! Aghhhhh!!! Might just keep it and see how I go in the future. 

Poor sad mistakes that are heading for the bin!!
Seems to be the case today!!
Happy sewing.


  1. You are amazing to be able to finish so many quilts! Nice work!

  2. Love your fungi! And that horse quilt on your banner is gorgeous! Re-sewing isn't much fun; I got all excited about needleturn sewing today, but will need to find a different thread and needle. Soldier on!

  3. Don't bin it. You can always use up the orphan blocks in a quilt

  4. haha...mistakes! never! great quilty finishes, the steam punk one is interesting as is the one on your header, for a horsey lover? Isn't it fabulous when out walking we meet 'fun-guys'.........

  5. No snoozing last nightt for you miss sue... well done...xoc

  6. Lots of achievements again Sue !! I do envy you living in such a gorgeous place & being able to take long beach walks. Love the quilt you have featured on your new header too.

  7. Love the quilts, gorgeous churn dash blocks, even with the 2 different red fabrics.


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