Saturday, April 18, 2015

FNSI results

I had a good night sewing last night, managed to get the next Aussie Hero quilt together...very simple design, now to try and decide on some quilting

and back......

and I managed to get the stitchery trimmed...had a woops there as I trimmed it to what I thought was eight and a half inches, but when I checked it, it was nine inches so I happily took half an inch off each side and duh!!!! then realised what I had done! So my inner square is smaller than most! But that us ok. Then I went to put in the clock mechanism only to find there isn't a small nut as called for in the everything ground to a halt!! will have to go to the local hardware shop and see  if I can get another.
Off to Wendy's now to see what the other FNSIer's got up to.
Happy sewing.


  1. You did have a productive evening..........I sat with my stitching in my hand watching a movie, but didn't really do much stitching at all!!

  2. Sometimes things just don't go as planned to they?
    Part of the challenge is getting around the obstacles.
    Are you going to AQC tomorrow?

  3. love the clock in the making...

  4. You were very busy. Loving the soon to be quilt x

  5. You certainly had a busy night. Lovely work.

  6. Another great hero quilt added to your long list of hero quilts !!!!

  7. well done on your new quilt
    your clock is still going to be great even with your adjustments

  8. Some Aussie hero will be very happy
    Love your clock

  9. Love the clock block! What a fantastic idea. Your quilt is also very cheery too

  10. Very lovely quilt and for such a good cause! Your clock block is awesome!


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