Saturday, April 22, 2017

Guild day

Yes, it is that time again and we had Guild today,not a huge crowd, no speaker and just a little show and tell, but it was a good day.
Marg was discussing her quilt and thinking about how it would be quilted..a discussion followed!

Lesley showed her quilt, which had been beautifully quilted...

This quilt started it's like red and green and when washed for the first time the colour ran, so the owner picked up a colour remover from the supermarket, didn't realise she had the wrong one and this is the colour the quilt ended up. It looks very pretty but was not what was originally intended.

The Dignity quilt is done, and the label signed and the fabric mosaic of the boys is also finished. happy dance here!!

I think I have shown this quilt before but now it is is just beautiful. 
It is a Hoffman fabric Fiona.....Tracee is attempting to track it down so we will let you know if it is found. 

Here is a small selection of the pieces done for the Artisans of Geelong display Fabric of the Community.

This is Lisa's snowball and nine patch quilt, she is doing the the bright colours.

Tracee and Lisa stitching away.

A quilt made by Pat with some fabric brought back from Japan the photo does not do it justice!! It is double sided, the back is just as attractive as the front.
We are off out for dinner so I had better get myself organised.
Happy sewing.


  1. Love all the show and tell... it looks like you all have been busy... and a big Hello to Tracee....

  2. Great show and tell. Wow the quilt where the colour ran still looks great now. It's lucky it still is ok... Good time spent with Tracee

  3. Great photos Sue ... some productive work there. Love your quilt & mosaic. Gosh I can imagine that lady was devastated over the colour running in her quilt. It still looks great but probably not what she intended.

  4. Hi Sue ,lovely pics you have taken,lovely show and tell and good to see Tracee working away,hope you have a lovely Sunday xx

  5. lovely quilts.....shame about the star one....

  6. Isn't that terrible ending up with a different colour quilt than intended! I bet that happens a lot though. Poor girl. It still looks great though. Some lovely quilts there and Tracee is looking very industrious. Love to see what she is making.

  7. Some lovely quilts. what a scary and upsetting time to have the colour run from that quilt!

  8. Lovely show and tell. Cannot believe that quilt running like that. Must have been a real shock. Love all your hard work too xx

  9. Lovely Show & tell - it is a pity about the Not red 7 green star quilt..

    I also love that City fabric - so if Tracee does track it down, I'd love to know too.

  10. I love show and tell! Great finishes of yours!

  11. wow Sue, such an incredible array of work there... that is terrible luck about the colour problems of the red & green quilt!

  12. what an inspiring group, so many beautiful quilts.
    the dignity quilt looks amazing as does your portrait quilt. Very effective!

  13. getting together to chat as you work and see all the projects others are working on is so much fun x

  14. Great to see your gorgeous finishes up there with all the rest! Sounds like an enjoyable meeting again. Interesting story about the colour run...


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