Friday, June 23, 2017


was sit and sew at St Leonards and the four of us had a great catch up, Jill is busy working on a beautiful quilt that will go above her bed, well I can't share that photo because the laptop and blogger are not talking again today, maybe another day.
I have been playing a little on the sewing machine and made two mini quilts
I like this saying

The tablet decided this should be sideways and I can't figure out how to correct it yet

And I think this lady and deer need some stitching underneath them so they do not look like they are floating......
Must away, there is a heap of mulch to be spread onto the garden and hubby is out there with the shovel and wheelbarrow already.
Happy sewing.

Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow.” ~ Seth Godin


  1. Thanks for the advice/saying......lovely!

  2. Lovely little mini quilts Sue. That looks like Theodora Cleave buttons there?? Best of luck with the mulch, its pouring down here.

  3. lovely work Sue xx

  4. I am definitely a fan of lovely words xx

  5. Gorgeous Mini quilts! Love the quotes too.


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