Thursday, August 10, 2017

Prek K' Dam.

Yesterday we have headed back down the river and have been overnight at Prek K' Dam...tied up to a tree!! :-0
Sunset tonight

Lyn and myself with the lovey Jenny, who looked after us each meal on the boat.

                       Today we get on a bus and begin a 5 hour drive to Siem Reap.
We had a few stops on the way, I was right up the back and thankful couldn't see the road ahead, the driving as a bit hairy from time to time!! We stopped at a market
the dried banana and fruits here  look great, not so sure about the fried crickets and tarantulas!!

or cockroaches

more crickets

heaps of them here!!

I think these could be snake fruit but am not sure

Lyn got brave and held a live tarantula, this was close enough for me!!!
We carried on in the bus and passed many interesting things

We passed lots of temples

places where statues were made

the stone mason at work

we stopped for a cuppa, these tiny flowers were in the car park

lots of interesting vehicles on the road

and people selling food.
and rice paddies for miles.
We arrived at Siem Reap in time for lunch and a swim in the pool before our next outing.


  1. Fried insects! Ewww! You see such interesting things.

  2. Oh wow. Don't like those tarantulas...

  3. It's a most interesting country.. .. Loving all the pics......

  4. Amazing trip. I know that insects, particularly some species of spiders, have huge amounts of protein, as much as 67% of body weight, BUT I'm not going to eat them. Don't care how good they are for me. LOL

  5. I'm with you I'm not sure about the fried insects either! Looks like an amazing trip!


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