Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sunny Sunday

We have had a sunny and windy day today. I spent two hours this morning out in the garden removing weeds, this afternoon some sewing happened. I glanced out the bathroom window this morning to see a plover nesting down under the oak tree.  No sign of the other plover. Yesterday the both went nuts when I went out on the decking...I could see there are two eggs in the nest. Hopefully little chicks will come soon.

Think the camera might have focused on the fly screen!! Mrs/Mr Plover is to the left of the tree trunk.

KOGO blanket finished and ready to be posted.

I have spent this afternoon sewing bits together to make a quilt backing..I had a woops and had to do some unsewing!

I was distracted by the view out the window.

The backing finally together, the scrappiest one I have ever made!! While measuring the quilt top on the backing hubby asked why I hadn't done the same on the top and bottom of the quilt...yep I had left off the strip on one side, so off to the sewing room I went to rectify the problem, all good now :-) 

I have just finished reading this book, wonderful moving read.
My dinner has arrived so I am off.
Happy sewing.


  1. sounds like the best way to spend the day x I would be VERY distracted by the views too x

  2. Sounds like a lovely relaxing day Sue, getting some bits and pieces done. Lovely to have the views to keep an eye on while you sew, too. Hopefully you have some wee chicks soon.

  3. sounds like a lovely day.... one good thing abouit no rain is no weeds to pull! oh well...
    lovely views, good luck with the plovers... I guess you won't be weeding around that area for a bit...

  4. The Kogo blanket looks great Sue. Sounds like a great day & a wonderful view out that window. That book looks interesting, haven't seen that one before.

  5. How lovely to be able to watch those birds nesting. Beautiful blanket, I do love the colours. xx

  6. Plovers are such crazy little birds....they really don't plan well for nesting lol! We had a pair right in the middle of our footpath and they shrieked at the postie on his bike and every passerby.I really feared for the eggs and chicks thankfully both survived lol! You do indeed have a distracting view. Your kogo blanket looks so snuggly xx


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