Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday today

I had to have a look at the phone to make sure I had the right day!!
Friday I started trimming the One Block Wednesday blocks, some are not straight and need to be fudged but we will see how we go!

Ingrid made me this beautiful hummingbird wall hanging, she made it them misplaced it, found it and posted it! Phew! I love it.

Yesterday I fired up and got these bird feeder cups into the garden, I don't know why I took so long to get it done!! Julie makes these and kindly sent me the washer and bolt arrangement that her hubby welds together to go on the bottom of this cup

and Julie kindly sent me this cup she put together. They make wonderful bird feeders

Now they have seed

Just waiting for the birds, who are very happy in the fig tree, to find them!!

Every time I go near the fig tree I see flashes of colour

I think I was being watched!

Last night I started quilting the Caroline Challenge.

This morning I had a walk around the garden, there are hundreds of white butterflies, they are everywhere,I am thankful we don't have veges in the garden, they would be gone by now.

The galahs are busy having their morning clean up over the road.

The hexie quilt is sewn onto the borders, now it needs backing and wadding. ( And ironing!)

I have been stitching away now and then on the sew a little happiness every day project that is over on instagram. There is so much inspiration and beautiful stitching with this project. I decided on a little kiwi touch, the buzzy bee , a NZ icon.

And a kea, the cheeky NZ parrot

I am of to sew some happiness,
Happy stitching.


  1. I am having to think twice what day it is too Sue! I am so pleased you finally got the birdfeeders all sorted. It does take them awhile to get used to them & come visit them. They may not do it til they have eaten all your figs! Love the sew a little happiness project Sue. xx

  2. Sunday, Monday, tuesday.....??? lets just say "Sewing Day" and be done with it! I have a Julie Bird feeder too.

  3. It’s always a treat to see your birds and projects!

  4. Yes it is hard to know what day it is as they all seam the same..
    I'm sure OBW blocks will look great sewn together..
    Beautiful Hummingbird wall hanging Irene sent..
    Lots happening at your place not only in the sewing room but outside.....
    Have fun

  5. Great new wall-hanging, enjoy. And beautiful quilting from you. Lovely photos from your garden, those cups for the birds are fabulous. Hugs, Valerie

  6. Those bird feeder tea cups are very cute. Sounds like a great weekend you are having. Also some sewing to make you happy. Have a great week.

  7. I still have to get my hexie quilt's borders attached. I found a major bump on that road and I'm kind of discourage about it. It will pass. I will get back on the saddle and get it done. I always do. It's just disheartening step back at the moment. You have beautiful project lined up for a fun sewing session. Enjoy! ;^)

  8. looks like you are keeping nice and busy there... I love how the hexie quilt has turned out. Cups and saucers look great in the garden.. such fun.... and I love the sew a little happiness samplers I have seen along the way.
    Keep well...

  9. I was sure today was Sunday
    As usual you are being a busy little bee
    Love the hummingbirds
    Your cup bird feeder is cute Hope the birds like it too

  10. The days do seem to run together don't they. Love your bird feeders! And ohh can almost smell your lavender. Your hummingbird wall hanging is so pretty. Lovely work on #sewalittlehappinesseveryday too! Nice Kiwi touches xx

  11. Oops forgot! LOVE your hexie quilt xxx

  12. Great stitching as always. Lovely garden photos. Our Kiwi mate was very excited when he found an early buzzy bee in an antique shop. We hadn’t heard of them until

  13. The wallhanging is awesome! Loving your blocks and I am sure you will make them fit lol. That is why it is called patch work. Hehehe. The hexie quilt is lovely and you sure were quick putting the borders on. Great idea fir bird feeders. Very creative.

  14. Those bird feeders are gorgeous & such a pretty addition to your already lovely garden. Love the wallhanging you received too...xox

  15. Sue - very clever bird feeders, and I would imagine they are fairly squirrel proof - do you have a problem with squirrels where you live? That hummingbird wall hanging is gorgeous. Another week or two and I will be able to put out our hummingbird feeders - can't wait to see the little guys again! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  16. I like the sew a little happiness idea, and those bird feeder cups are awesome! That's such a clever idea. So many beautiful things in your garden. I'm glad you are getting outside and enjoying some fresh air.

  17. Lovely post Sue, with a great variety of bits and pieces. The Hummingbird wall hanging is gorgeous! And I love the Garden Teacups!! The Happiness every day project is a lovely idea - are there things that they tell you to do, or just what you feel like? (Maybe I should just check it out!!!!)


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