Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday once again (photo heavy)

 I am not sure where this week has gone, despite being at home the days are zipping by.

We have had some beautiful weather which has been ideal for walking along the beach
down near the yacht club

I spied a container ship coming into the bay
I also found a new Little library, not far from us, they are a great resource when the library is closed.  I had a call from the library yesterday, I have 4 books waiting to be collected and they are going to be posted out. The Geelong Library service has introduced and new click and collect where you can order books and they will post out once a month. Great idea. 
I have been out on the front deck putting quilt layers together, this day was ok, but the day earlier was super cold and windy.
The orchids inside have all decided to flower again, this is the third time this year for this one.
Playing out in the garden with gum blossoms and the sky and sun.
Tuesday I decided I need to sort out the heaps of fabric bits that were on the sewing desk, so I cut into squares and then on both diagonals
And I have a collection of pieces ready for the flying geese.
The smaller bits left over were cut down for little stars epp. I have some left over bits from the stars and they will be stamped and cut for the little hand sewing project. My enthusiasm for sorting deserted me after cutting the others. 👩
In the week I made a chewy fruit slice, a favourite for us both.
Wednesday saw the making of another Anthology block, this one needed some creative trimming!!
Thursday I made some kiwifruit jam, hubby had gathered kiwifruit from where we used to live, which  surprised us as one of the vines has died and you  need a male and female plant to get fruit. The only thing we could think of was there was another plant nearby.
Such a pretty colour and pattern.
I am using the recipe from my Mums cookbook, the photos are back to front, this is the chutney recipe
this is the jam recipe, it has been a long time since kiwifruit have been called Chinese Gooseberries.
Very happy with my jars of jam and it has set!!! WooHoo!!
Now a mix of kiwifruit chutney is on the stove, I might have added too much vinegar, I guess I will now when I taste it!
I still have this many kiwifruit left over, they are very tart, but I might try having them for breakfast.
Yesterday saw the making of this weeks Sylvia's Bridal Sampler block, this block has been languishing in the tub for a very long time, I had problems fitting the inside curved seam and had to unpick many times. I was too scared to try the outer curved seam so it went into the tub. Yesterday i git brave and decided to just do it, and it has gone on ok. It looks like there is a tuck near the top, but the seam is fine, it is just the shadow on the photo.

So I did a second block again with foundation paper piecing, it felt like it took ages but came together very well in the end. Hopefully I haven't put you to sleep, I am off now to put the binding on a quilt.

Have a wonderful weekend and happy stitching.


  1. You really got a lot done this past week - sewing, baking, jam and chutney making, well done. It all looks so good. Kiwi jam sounds fantastic. Love the gum blossoms and orchids. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. A hive of activity! Lovely walks, the little library box is a cool idea. We have something similar outside our local school, books, fresh produce even clothes.

  3. WoW Sue! You have achieved heaps again! Love all your blocks. Love the pictures of your walks - its such a pretty place where you live. That little lending library is cute. We have one in our town too & next door to it you can leave any excess fruit & veggies as well. Have a great weekend Sue. xx

  4. It is amazing how the weeks are zipping by even though our social life is virtually non existent. Lovely photo of the gum blossoms and orchid. Had to chuckle over the "creative trimming" - something I often do!!!!! Very productive with the kiwi fruit.

  5. the time is going by... but you are using it well and getting lots done. I ahve never thought of kiwifruit in jam. If they are a little tart it would be lovely as a jam. Lovely walks and sewing.... you have done lots of prep work...

  6. A busy week Sue - time flies when you are having fun! However, I am just wondering where the year has gone! mid August already. The chutney sounds good - have you made it before? Hope it turned out OK.Nice to have those offcuts all organised and ready to got and well done with the curved block. Have a good weekend. xx

  7. Gosh you did have a great week and a great post. Chinese gooseberries. That took me way back too. My mum had recipe books like that. I still have her Aunt Daisy recipes.
    That little library is such a good idea. We now have a room down town where we can swap books and there are lots in English but because of the virus I haven't been down there this summer

  8. The new library system due to Covid sounds like it will work. I loved the little box library you photographed. I have never seen anything like that.

    Good job on attaching that curve. I thought you were going to say it would stay put away for another long while, but you did get back to finishing it!

    I have never tried kiwi jam. Kiwis do not grow in my region. I can say that seeing all that work sitting pretty in the bottles is beautiful!

  9. You're keeping very busy at this weird time...going for lovely walks , keeping up with your blocks , quilts , jam making and baking....
    Gorgeous photos of the beautiful blooms both the gum and orchid.

  10. certainly have been busy Sue... on some wonderful projects.
    I love the colours in your blocks...& the quilt on the table looks beautiful.
    Stay safe, warm & dry...xox

  11. Loved seeing all your photos
    Hope you are well

  12. That was a great catch up post. I enjoyed reading all of it and loved seeing the photos too. Enjoy your jam... yummy.

  13. Yes, it's surprising how fast the year is going, even though we can't go and do all that we once did. But you are certainly making good use of your time. Haven't had Kiwi fruit jam, but it looks lovely in the jars.

  14. I love all the photos. I’ve always heard time flies when you are having fun!

  15. Wow! So many lovely projects on the go. Lots of cooking happening too. That chewy slice looks rathet nice. Good that your library has found a way to get books, to people. I am unsure what our library is doing but I did get a call early on during the pandemic to see if I needed any help. The Shire set up a system to support 'seniors' .....looks like it is official lol.

  16. Sounds like an amazing week with lots of wonderful blocks, food and walks. The little library is so wonderful.


  17. great job chopping.......
    Ive never seen kiwi jam......

  18. Nice newsy blogpost, Sue. Is the chew/slice gf? I've had a hankering for something like that recently. Nana used to make kiwifruit jam where she'd put some drink concentrate in it to make strawberry or raspberry flavoured jam. Quite nice but sadly I'm not exactly sure what she did and my aunties can't remember!


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