Saturday, May 29, 2021

Back again

 The last couple of weeks have flown by here, now we are in lockdown again, for 7 days this time, hopefully this will stop the virus spreading once again.

I have been sewing together knitted squares I was sent from KOGO I have had them for a few months and decided it was time to get on with them

the above two are finished

this one is laid out, I am still deciding on the placement of the many and varied colours
We had some lovely days last week, perfect for walking by the beach

pelicans were on three light poles

waiting for the fishermen/women to come back in and clean their fish, then the pelicans get a feed.

lovely day to be by the beach
Wednesday I took these quilts over to Homestead Care Home

This top was made by Fiona

they were happily received
We took them to a larger room to get a photo

two of the residents liked them too.
Wednesday afternoon two more Anthology blocks were made

I went out ot watch the moon eclipse for a while, it was interesting watching the colours change. 
Well that is me updated, I am off now to do some work on the Guild newsletter and then back to sewing.
Happy stitching


  1. Nice work on sewing up those knitted squares. Back into masks and lockdown again for Victoria....stay safe. Lovely delivery of goodies for the care home.

  2. Gorgeous blocks and quilts! I am always amazed by how much you get done. Your beach walk looks lovely.

  3. Hi Sue, the knitted blankets are looking good... just right for winter coming on... well done with the quilts going to the care home.... I'm sure they are very pleased... I love the pelican sitting on the pole all chilled out.... there can't be too many blocks to make left???

  4. Nice to see you have been busy as usual Sue ... with your KOGO blankets & your quilts for the Care Home. You never cease to amaze me with your productivity. The skies in your photos always look incredibly blue. Have a great weekend Sue ... if we went into another lockdown I would go hide in my sewing room. 😉😊

  5. Sorry you are in lockdown again. Hope all goes well. Your quilts and knitted squares are all wonderful. It's a great idea that you give them to care homes and hospitals, well done. Have a good weekend, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  6. lovely quilts to give to the residents....
    hope cool was the eclipse???I loved seeing it.......
    take care while in another lock down and I hope it only lasts for a few days........

  7. The wool blankets look great - how big are the squares? So lovely to see the pelicans - and the sea, its been a while now since I had a seaside fix. Those quilts will be very much appreciated I am sure. xx

  8. All those quilts ate lovely. Well done! Trying to place knitted squares from different people is so time consuming . I have put a few together in the past so I can empathise lol. Love the pelican squatting up there....never seen one roosting on high before.

  9. Such lovely pelicans and blue, blue sky. The knitted squares look great sewn into blankets, and how lovely the care home quilts are. Love those quilted hearts. They will put a smile in the residents' days. I'm sorry you are in lockdown again. Fingers crossed this is the last one.

  10. Great finishes Karen and nice to see the quilts displayed together...
    I'm surprised how those big pelicans balance on top of the street lights..
    Nice to have been able to just pop in and say Hi this morning....

  11. I am so sorry to hear that you are in lockdown again. Hopefully there will be good news after it is over. The knitted blankets must be so soft and comfy, and lovely set of quilts for the care home. The bird on the lamp looks so round and cosy. Beautiful eclipse photos. They are always so special.


  12. Sue - sorry to hear you are in lockdown again. All of the quilts are lovely, but I was drawn to the blue heart ...

  13. Great quilts and love your pelican pics!


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