Wednesday, July 5, 2023

up to the top

Yesterday we drove to Cape Reinga up the very top of the North Island of NZ. The road was narrow and windy with lots of pot holes, the rain they have had here has done lots of damage. After parking in the car park we flowed the track down to the Lighthouse.
The sand hills on the distance, I think, are called Te Paki and there you can hire a board and slide down. I used to do that as a kid, Dad made us boards from plywood with a lump of firewood on rhe front, we would wax them up and go down the sand hills at Papamoa Beach, sadly that is banned now.
The meeting is where the Tasman Sea meets the Pacific Ocean, you can see them crashing in to each other.
A fine photo of my finger!! 🤣
And again!!
A couple of tourists in the wind!
After looking around we headed back up the path
back at Cable Bay I sat down the beach and watched the sun go down, for a while I thought I might miss it as  huge cloud came over, but all was good.
This box is downstairs,  great idea I thought
that is all  me  today, blogger is starting to play up on me, I don't think it likes long posts on the phone! We are heading back to Whangarei today for a catch up with Raewyn and the MOHL.
Happy stitching.


  1. Lovely photos from the north!!
    We used to slide down the sandhill at Papamoa when I was a kid too. Summer fun in the 'olden days'.
    Love that stick box.

  2. Sledging on sand dunes! Oh what fun. Love the pictures Sue. xx

  3. Fabulous photos, what a great place to visit. The lighthouse is beautiful. Your finger looks good, too, just like my finger on so many pics - a special touch! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Just been catching up on the last couple of your posts. Looks like you are having a fab time.

  5. such a beautiful area.... I love the picture of the two seas meeting each other and how you are all wrapped up and hubby is in his shorts! Please give Raewyn a hug from me...x

  6. I never tire of photos of the ocean - and a sunset over the water is tops!

  7. Thank you for sharing this wonderful spot I'd never see otherwise! I love sitting here half a world away and dreamily sharing your beach experience.

    It brought back such good memories of my own sand hill days - not on a beach, but in the west Texas and eastern New Mexico desert! We always had sandy hotdogs to eat, Mama took along big cardboard boxes for us to slide down the hills, my pants were full of sand in no time, and I wanted to do it again and again and again! Thanks for the memories. I need to record them in my journal.

  8. What beautiful pictures of the scenery! You live in a gorgeous place. Thank you for sharing because I will probably never have the opportunity to visit there. Cute couple in front of the light house!

  9. Oh my. Thank you for that beautiful journey. I so enjoyed going with you to see those places, the photos were wonderful. You made my morning, thank you !

  10. I'm so pleased you both got to the lighthouse...well worth the drive up there - sad to hear the roads are deteriorating so much (as with everywhere here in NZ!) The dunes are so impressive!

  11. loving all the pics from your trip so far.......who would have thought I never thought about it that there were points that the oceans meet......


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