Monday, October 9, 2023

Gisborne Retreat

First day today, we were a bit late getting g started compared to other times, but all is good.
I have quilted this quilt - one off the list! Yay! 
Maxine has bordered her beautiful half square triangle piece and made blocks for the backing, it is now being readied for quilting
I am taking over several tables with my next quilting effort 😁
Carleen is making Swoon blocks  they have taken some organising!! Tired brains do not cope with these let me tell you!!
More tomorrow
Happy stitching. 


  1. What fun! I always wish I could join you when I see your retreats.

  2. You all make such wonderful things! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Kilmore sew in one day. Gisborne retreat the next. Love Maxine’s half square triangle piece.

  4. Looks like fun was happening! I am packing up for a retreat in two weeks and I can't wait. So much to do sew little time!

  5. lovely to be there and you all made good progress in spite of a late start and tired brains...

  6. It looks like you were all very productive! Well done on getting another quilt done ;-) I love the mini, and the swoon block is one that's been on my list for a long time!


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