Friday, February 2, 2024


 Another month to fire up with the next Chookshed Stitchers Challenge 2024

This month Deana has drawn #2.

#2 for me is to work on Oncology quilts
I have been given many, many quilt tops, blocks, part done quilts and fabric to be made in to quilts to go to the Oncology ward at St John of God hospital in Geelong. Belinda, the lovely ward admin lady there, looks after the quilts and matches them up with the right person. She is very particular about the quilts as she knows the work that goes into them, if you say you don't like quilts them you don't get one!!
this bag has 4 quilts that are quilted, they need their binding and label.

Some embroidered blocks and a quilt top than need attention

these three quilts need backing and quilting, lets see how much gets done this month!!
Linking up over at Deana's blog.
I will also be sewing on the Guild Mystery Quilt this month when the next instructions come out. (Trying not to get behind!!)
Happy stitching.


  1. Good luck on your great goals for the month! :)

  2. You certainly have some great choices there for oncology quilts. I will be thrilled to see whichever and how many you get done! What a great gift of your talents!

  3. What a great #2 . Good luck working on it.

  4. I'm sure you will get plenty of progress on the quilts this month. Lots of variety of stages, so something should work for you.

  5. Sue - I am curious - "many, many quilt tops, blocks, part done quilts and fabric to be made in to quilts" - where do they come from? I so admire your contribution to this labor of love! Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments!

  6. A few projects to keep you busy in February! Good luck. xx

  7. You will be working for a lovely cause.

  8. You are doing a good job there. Is there really any one who wouldn't treasure one of those quilts!!!???

    1. Some people don't like quilts, so they refuse them.

  9. You are an amazingly generous person to work on so many donation quilts. Thank you!

  10. Great #2 challenge to work on this month.
    Go girl.

  11. Is that Batik one you made and then I got the bag from the strips? I used that bag every time I go to club it is just the right size for my cushion and any show and tell I take...

  12. You sure do keep busy with the oncology ward quilts Sue. I cant think of a nicer thing to be gifted when you are undergoing chemo treatment. You girls do amazing work with all those quilts. x0x

  13. Love your header!!! You are so good making and finishing off so many quilts to donate. Go girl!

  14. You are very generous with your time Sue. Lovely you have someone to distribute them accordingly.

  15. Its nice to see that someone does value to work involved in the quilts and ensures that they will be appreciated......I'm sure as usualy you will get lots done.........your so very kind and generous with your time and resources..........

  16. A very good goal for the month Sue! Sadly my Feb Chookstitchers challenge didn't even get looked at.


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