Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Tiki tour to the Zoo

Today we spent the day at Dubbo Zoo. We walked 10km and took about 6 and a quarter hours! We planned to spend 3 hours and then go to the Botanic Gardens. Guess what we are doing tomorrow?
These lovely statues were all over the zoo
People were feeding the giraffe 🦒 so we watched for ages and took many photos - most on the other camera! 



The hippo was in the water at first but then came out and had a walk around 

White handed gibbon swinging about.

Tassie Devil was doing the rounds of the enclosure.

  we had some fun

We watched the spider monkey's, they were following the keeper who was in a boat going around the monkey islands giving out food.

I think that is enough from me for now
Hope you are still awake!
Happy stitching. 


  1. the zoo is great.......... and the meerkats are my favourites.........

  2. Looks like you and Raewyn had a lovely time at the zoo. It must be over 20 years since I was last there. Must remedy that!


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