Friday, February 14, 2025

Gisborne retreat

Four days of fun and laughter was had at the retreat at Gisborne. despite the hot weather and not knowing how to use the air-conditioning for the first day we got lots done.
Time for a drink and chip
Sawtooth star block
Christine working out what goes where
Maria pieced together lots of hand sewn blocks from Kate
Judy's beautiful quilt coming together
Owl wonky block
And another sawtooth star.
Blogger is not cooperating so we will end here.
Happy stitching. 


  1. I love seeing your retreat posts!

  2. Bet yous were pleased when you worked out the air.
    Some great projects worked on….
    Maria lifeontheblock

  3. I’m sure you will get loads done

  4. Wow, some lovely blocks and tops. That owl......!

  5. It's always so great seeing the different projects....

  6. Always love to see ladies get together to make lovely things

  7. Oh so fun! I get to do a retreat this coming weekend. I need it so bad!!! This post inspires me to get ready for it!


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