Thursday, February 20, 2025

Out and about

We have visited beached, and country cafes, a good friend of my Mums, and found geocaches. Some stitching has also been happening
Geocaching site with lots of twittering birds 
Sandpit Beach, lots of yachts and windsurfers 
Great fun slide, down into the water

Lunch at Calendular Cottage
Museum area at Waiuku
Weather forecasting area
Low tide at the old wharf in Waiuku
Yesterday Jenny and I visited Aunty June, a friend of my Mum. They met the day they started school at age 5. June will be 100 years old this August, she looks amazing and is as sharp as a tack. It was great to see her again.
Lunch on the way home at the Hidden Cafe, about 30 mins from Waiuku. 
Jenny is going ok apart from nerve pain in her leg her new hip joint seems to be healing well.
No photos of sewing will do that next time.
Happy stitching.

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