Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The last few days

Monday was sit and sew at the Bellarine Quilters, we had show and tell before heading off for our Christmas lunch

Julies beautiful big quilt

Nearly missed this one as it was flicked over for the back. Great scrap quilt.

Beautiful sea creatures quilt

Kath finished off her Christmas block swap quilt. Sorry for the photo quality.

Pats beautiful quilt made with Japanese fabrics

Another quilt of Pats inspired after attending the Rickie Tims day at the Guild

We had 43 ladies tuned out for Christmas lunch at the local pub

Some of entertained ourselves for a while with the plastic toy from the cracker..Wendy got the frog into the glass of water!
Yep I  was there!! Thanks for the photo Carlene.

On the way home the weather could not make up its mind...sunny here cloudy there and rain most likely coming!
Today I have been to a friends place to learn how to do the Guild newsletter and this was what I could see out the window

a little helmeted honey eater visiting the red hot poker flowers

a black bird coming in for a bath

I think I have been spotted!!

the honey eater returned

and enjoyed the flowers.
I had better go and get hubby his dinner, today has just flown by.
Happy stitching.


  1. That Christmas lunch looks like a hoot! What fun!

  2. Show and tell was a lovely start to your Christmas celebration. How sweet are the honeyeaters and I love the little bathing beauty too xx


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