Wednesday, October 29, 2014


We have driven many miles down the autobahn....there is NO speed limit on the freeway here so we were often driving along at at 100km only to have a car shoot past us, they must have been doing 180 to 200km's!!!!!! Sheesh!!! Makes me shiver!!! Anyway we were puttering along and ran out of autobahn, we had printed instructions to follow but they didn't tally to where we hard when there isn't a road number on any sign and we only have road numbers!!!!! Mmmmmmmm.........we ended up in a place called Hillesheim where we found a petrol station and after much mucking around found a map and our way back to the new part of the freeway. The young man in the shop had no idea where we were???????? He  only lived and worked there .......then a lady with a very loud voice cam and spoke to us in German....I picked up one in 10 words, and eventually worked out we had a walking map not a driving map, she got the right one and we were finally back under way.
We arrived at the nearest town to where we were going about an hour later and promptly got lost again....finally I asked a couple who were getting in their car...they had no idea but put the town in their sat nav (note to self, very good idea for next time lol) and kindly said to follow them to the village. This we did and when thanking them for their help found out they were from Romania......they were lovely people but had no more idea than we did!! Our next job was to find the luck...we are talking a small village here...the sun is going down
So we did what we should have done hours ago and rang the couple we were staying with. They said stay where you are and we will come and find you.........sensational advice!!!!! Thye said, when they found us, they knew it was us as I had parked on the wrong side of the road!!!! Yep I forgot I was driving on the right side!!!!!!
We had a great evening, load of food and drink and the next afternoon went to Saarburg to have a look around It is a beautiful village on the banks of the Saar river
Amazing old house

The noise of the water is quite loud...imagine living here

The river running past the old power station, that was powered by a water wheel

Hansjorge, Edith and David

Edith, me and David

The local church

The river from the opposite side looking back to the market square

The remains of the castle at Saarburg

The King in his castle!!! Love a few steps to climb my DH!!
Off for some more exploring now!


  1. I am loving the number of times you are getting lost!! .. also the scenery you are seeing xx

  2. Getting lost means you probably getting to see more than you planned!

  3. You're very brave driving over there, don't know if I would. The speed is daunting. You're in a very lovely place though.

  4. Now I see you are still on your holiday, I just read through your BLOG since you have been on vacation, love all the photos and the stories.

  5. Such an amazing place. Thanks for all the photos. Not sure about those houses though

  6. scary driving!!! looks such fun though and so interesting ..the buildings are so different...

  7. Hi Sue wow you have seen so many beautiful places,you sure have fitted in a lot of places,cant wait to see you soon my friend.xx


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