Wednesday, November 5, 2014

52 weeks word photo challenge

I have been very slack and not done my photo challenge for several weeks now but today I am back!!
The current weeks word is fish and I have been sitting here wondering what I could do and up on the wall is a painting of fish!! Light bulb moment!!! (My excuse is I am still tired!!! Lol!!!) Any excuse is a good excuse!!
This is a painting done by DH's sister...pretty good huh!!
Tupai had a big swim at the beach yesterday
Not really a swim just cooling off!
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Such a beautiful painting,painting certainly runs in the family and well done topi,great weather for a swim.xx

  2. Love that painting! Chowdydog - yay!

  3. lovely painting I thought it was a photo.
    Bet Tupai missed you while you were away!
    Back to his routine...
    enjoy getting back to your routine too.


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