Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Day of Play

Today we had the best day playing with Barb Smith ( of Theodora Cleave) and Karen from Mrs Martins quilt shop.....they are the such fun people.....was at a table with Miss Naughty (she even had a label  to that effect later in the day) lol!!! Also
the lovely Mel ,  Ondrea , and of course the sensational Tracee and Cheryl at the head of the table....someone had to keep order!!
Tracee and Mel settle in

Guess who is checking out the goodie bag and playing with it??

Shez and Ondrea

Lovely ladies ready for work/play
Some people are working, others are names mentioned though! ! Lol!

Mel decided after she had wiped her brush on her apron pocket, that we could all have a go and it would be a reminder of the day....Barb leaves her mark....

as does Shez
some of Barb's beautiful display and wonderful ideas...many beautiful Christmas ideas

love these too

could not resist these stitcheries.....

and look at all this yumminess here

Tracee and Mel get down to work 

The two S/Cheryls....Ondrea giving them a bit of a touch up for the photo!!

and I am pleased to say that on this occasion Shez got some work done.....hee hee....
I took two photos just to prove you Shez!!!
I asked Shez to take a photo of Tracee and myself......well do something silly she said...not an ordinary photo.....

sadly we were too busy laughing to be able to do much else that laugh!

here Barb is instructing us on the fine art of making a bonbon...I am pleased to say mine does kind of resemble a bonbon!! If you squint!!

further instruction
 I had the best day, played with paints and paper and inks and stamps, with wonderful fun people and came home with many treasures.

These are my goodies....fabric that has been painted, felt I have stamped that will go as a background to Barb's beautiful buttons, tiny stitcheries from Barb's drawings, buttons, a decorated linen bag,!!

And this beautiful button was in the goodies bag from Barb.....all in all a wonderful fun day, thank you to Karen for all the organising and to Barb for her instructing and fantastic ideas and to the lovely ladies on our table for all the laughter and pleasant company.
Happy sewing.
P.S. I forgot to say Shez gave me a jar of her special jam. How lucky am I!! Thank you Shez.


  1. Looks like you all had a great day.

  2. a great day out.........did you take Shez ipad off her because thats the only way she would have got something

  3. Looks like another wonderful day :)

  4. Looks like you all had a great time. Perhaps Shez was emailing me and you caught her out! LOL!

  5. It looked like you girls were having a wonderful time, you will have to show us what you was lovely to meet you..

  6. Great pics of a fantastic day. It was so much fun and so lovely to share it with you all.

  7. It was fabulous to spend the day with you, great fun had by all.

  8. Lol just reading chooky's comment ,it was such a wonderful day so glad I got to spend it with you guys,I have had the very best weekend ever.xx

  9. You all had so much fun together and managed to do some work as well. Those photos of Shez working could have been trick photos. A fabulous workshop to finish off the year.

  10. Looks like a fun filled day Sue, lots of goodies there too.


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