Sunday, November 30, 2014

Relaxing Sunday

Today was a slow day for me...I was woken at 4.30am by  my phone beeping....just to let me know the battery was going flat....oh joy!!!!! I did manage to clean out three kitchen cupboards, but then decided it was getting too hot for that kind of activity, so laid on the couch and read a book!!!!! Much better!! Lol! In the afternoon I visited a lovely friend in Riddells Creek...have a look at the clouds coming home
I was hoping for some rain but no they have floated on past......
I have done a little on my stitchery....blogger has decided to turn it sideways but you can see some progress here. Love the Barb Smith designs.
Happy sewing.


  1. Too hot to do too much today and reading was a good choice. Very cute stitcheries.

  2. Hi Sue - sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday - pity about the lack of rain!
    Lovely pics from your day out with the ladies at Barb's workshop... what's the joke/cheekiness about Shez actually doing something?

  3. Sounds like a lovely weekend......minus the beeping phone!

  4. Hi Sue it's good to have some down time,I am still on a high from the weekend.xx


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