Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Today has been another clean and sort day.....the craft room has gone from this
Yup, messy I agree but I knew where everything was....well nearly!! Lol!!
Well blogger has rearranged  the order of my photos, but not to worry, it is a  beautiful day outside today

Jenny sewed together many squares, rectangles and hexagons into blankets while we were away and now I have done a crochet edge on most of them

Guess where the supervisor was for most of the day!!

Clearing nearly done...I keep finding something else to do!!  

DH moved in and pulled the table to bits, loaded it onto the trailer and off to the tip
This is where we are up to now.....time for the vacuum cleaner me thinks...but first there is more to do in the garden!!
See you later.
Oh I nearly forgot, some of the yellow tailed black cockatoos were in the garden last evening
There were six of the chatting away up there.


  1. What are you going to be doing for a work table

  2. Oooh WOW! Your work table took a lot of space up.. what are you going to be doing with all that space now?
    Very interesting...
    Smiles :)

  3. Glad that you got that job out of the way. Jenny did a great job sewing together all those lovely little pieces.

  4. oh wow.... that's a bit drastic.... are you going to grovel on the floor now?????? haha....

  5. Big job! Won't you miss having that big table?

  6. Hi Sue boy you sure are one busy chicky,good to see you are keeping out of mischief,lol.xx

  7. is there a new table on the way? .. I should have put you to work when you were here tidying my room xx


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