Saturday, November 22, 2014

Craft and Quilt show

Today my lovely host Angie has taken myself and her Mum to a craft show at a local wouldn't believe the weather today,  it is heaving down rain and there is thunder and lightning ...not cold but you get very wet going outside!! We had a look at the craft fair and made a few purchases, the went next door to have a look at the quilt show
I had a chuckle over this label...if you make one star a day you will have a quilt in a year!!! Yep good in theory....most of the EPP quilts on display had been WIPS for years.....kind of like mine!! Lol!!

Beautiful heirloom quilt with lace and doilies

quilts arranged over the pews in the Church

Might give someone some ideas for the shirt challenge.....maybe....just saying!!!

Loved this a quilt as you go by Leesa Chandler if I remember correctly! Lol! Love the poppy fabric. There is also some Kiwi fabric in there which is very nice too.

Looking from the back to the front

Lovely colours here

Lone Star quilt started while the maker was in the US doing a course.
Was a lovely show to look at and good to see the explanations of how the quilts were made. Off home now for lunch.
Have a great day.


  1. We haven't seen a drop of rain here! Looks like a nice little show.

  2. Lots of lovely quilts thanks for sharing :)

  3. Sounds like a lovely day. The quilt show looks inspiring - especially the 'shirt' quilt..!

  4. more galavanting! lol
    lovely pics of your road trip in your previous post. sounds like you went from heat to rain.
    love all the quilts on the church pews.

  5. Oh I like the lace and doiley quilt!

  6. wow how awesome Sue,good to see you having fun,thankyou for sharing your day.xx

  7. Oh send the rain here please!!!!! Dry as! Love the way they have displayed all their lovely quilts x


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