Saturday, December 6, 2014

Afternoon play

This afternoon I have been playing about with some stitcheries I have done....have been deciding how to finish them off....these are from drawings by Barb Smith in one of her little books, which I have to admit is still somewhere safe!!!
I have used one of these little blank canvas squares to put the stitchery on.

This one is slightly bigger and slightly off centre but after 5 attempts to get it even and straight I decided it was to be wonky!!!!

And blogger in its infinite wisdom has turned this photo sideways twice! I don't understand how that happens. For this one I used fabric I had painted and stamped on at Barb's workshop.
We had a storm early morning and very heavy rain, good for the garden...
And maybe for the grass....we had Lake Gisborne this morning

And lots of water out the front ...
but the local livestock seem to be happy!
Happy sewing.


  1. Awesome projects Sue you are on a roll,boy you sure have had a lot of rain.xx

  2. Lovely canvasses.... Gee I think by the looks you had a lot more rain than us. It sure is a lake

  3. The stitcheries look fantastic & so do the bunnies, they are so cute !
    Barb xx

  4. lovely blocks .. wonky works foe me xx hope that's not your garden the rabbits are eating! lol x

  5. Lovely festive stitching Sue. We are so happy we finally got some wet stuff xx

  6. Love your stitcheries and a great idea mounting one on the fabric you painted. No idea why your pics turn themselves around. Must be gremlins.


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