Friday, June 2, 2017


Here we are once again, the first Friday night of the month and that is time to sign up over at Cheryll's for a fun night of stitching with like minded people.
Also this weekend is the birthday weekend for the 5th birthday of Chookyblue and there is a weekend of fun and sewing to come, you can sign up for the fun over at The chookshed

This afternoon I have been in purple heaven sewing blocks for an Aussie Hero quilt, I have one more to do then will work out on the layout tonight during FNWF

I have been enjoying my knitting, one ball of wool is finished and I have started on another...I went to get some more wool

But the pink was no longer available, so guess what?? We have purple instead!! 😀😀
Have  a great evening and weekend.
Happy sewing.


  1. So pleased you made it to the party....... Have fun

  2. Hi Sue love your purple blocks and your knitting xx


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