Friday, August 24, 2018

Home again

Well life is back to normal or what  passes for normal here, we had a great retreat and some wonderful projects were worked on
I learned how to make bias strips for the Doing the Rounds quilt

And stored them in a special way!!
Maria is making this quilt for her great nephew, she produced so many flying geese!! 
This is the mystery quilt some of the Bellarine Quilters are working on this year

This is the raffle quilt for the show in September for the Bellarine Quilters, Maria has just finished the quilting and binding 
These are 3 bags I made for the oncology quilts to be delivered in.

This is a beautiful bed runner Maxine has made

Another bag finished off Thursday morning

Barbs beautiful fox quilt

Today hubby and I went to the local nursery, we stopped and got petrol on the way and noticed some flowers and plants for sale..we went to have a look and came out with three orchid plants, will take a photo in the daylight tomorrow.
We did some geocaching on the way home, down a quiet farm road

It was such a beautiful afternoon, calm and sunny

Towards the end of the road we had some puddles to navigate, I was sent out to see how deep they were, with the old stick test, once deemed safe by hubby, we continued on.

Back at home I put together a little terrarium , am quite pleased with it.
Hope it grows ok.
Off to do some stitching now, 
Happy weekend.


  1. It sounds as if you had a wonderful time at the retreat .. is the "sound" of fabric and thread retreating as normal life takes over again? lol x mmm notice it was YOU with the stick out in front......

  2. sounds like an excellent and worthwhile time at retreat. I love your binding holders and have similar ones, also I use those kind to hold my sewing machine wires in.... they are lovely and multipurpose.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Looks like an inspirational retreat by the pics.
    Good luck with your plants too ... xox

  5. Seems like you had a lovely time at Retreat and some great finishes shown
    Nice day out with hubby too

  6. What wonderful quilts and projects! I'd love to go to your retreat.

  7. As a contrast to the next post, this day seems so calm and peaceful and lovely - a different kind of good. I look forward to seeing the orchids. Your retreat looks great, and I always enjoy seeing pictures of what people worked to finish.


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