Thursday, September 27, 2018

Busy times wandering

The last two days have been busy for us, yesterday, late afternoon, we went up to Melbourne to see #2 son, Shane,  in the one man play he wrote and acted in. I know I am the biased mother but it was fantastic and we all really enjoyed it. The play lasted about 50 mins, a long time for one person to be along on stage and keep the audience entertained.
Today I have been into Geelong for an event organised by the Guild, We had a master class with Ricky Tims. Three by one and a half hour lectures on his life, quilting experiences and how he does things. He was very generous with his time and  quilting tricks, short cuts etc. We saw a few of his quilts
Here we go...

self portrait and applique quilts

Harmonic Convergence Quilt with an Australian theme

love the colours and pattern in this one

tulip quilts and applique using fancy stitches and a circular attachment on the machine

some Ricky Tims quilts made by the class participants

Off we go.

the colours of the quilts did not come up well in the photos, they were much more vibrant than they seem. The last quilt here was made by Ricky and his father. Unknown to each other they started quilting on the same day and are both self taught.

One happy group after the class

Ricky and some of the Guild committee members who were at the class today.
A dead line is always good for me to get a quilt finished!

This is the Harmonic Convergence Quilt I started back earlier this year, so being able to show it here at Ricky's class was great motivation to get it finished!! He was very polite and said it was amazing!
I had a wonderful day and learned so much, lucky we have a printed syllabus so I can go over things again later. 
Even though I haven't any outdoor photos today I am linking with  Whims and Fancies blog for Wandering Camera. I have been wandering, just not out in the wide open spaces!
Happy stitching.


  1. Oh wow! I didn't realise that Shane wrote and directed it as amazingly talented and you are absolutely allowed to be biased and proud of your clever son. What an amazing day you had and so cool to be able to show Ricky your quilt. His quilts are beautiful! Loved your pics xx

  2. How proud you must have been to see your son on stage in his one man play! He must be such a talent. AND....yes your quilt is amazing! How fabulous to sit and hear Ricky Tims speak and see his display of quilts. They are all beautiful.

  3. What a proud moment to be able to watch your son perform...that is awesome! Hanging out with Ricky Tims and hearing him speak would be so fun. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos!

  4. Great to go and see Shane, what a great effort and of course you are very proud... wonderful...
    How fun to go to RT lectures etc, looks like a very full programme with lots to see and remember... I think it's wonderful to have the finished quilt to show him aswell…

  5. Those one man shows are so good. I used to go to the ones in Macedon. Your quilt is amazing. Looks like a fantastic day.

  6. Love the photo of you and Ricky and your amazing quilt
    You are a very talented lady
    Bet that is where your sons talent comes from Wonderful that you got to see his play
    I can imagine hoe proud you were

  7. Oh Sue, I am pleased the Play went well. What a wonderful achievement for your son.... no wonder you feel proud. The quilts look amazing ... I had not heard of Ricky before but he looks to be so talented. Isnt it great when they are happy to share their knowledge.

  8. Your son is very talented and no wonder you are proud of him.
    What an amazing day with Ricky and the ladies.
    Love your quilt.

  9. Nothing beats a proud Mumma bear! Good on your son and great you got to go and see the play. Was Ricky funny? I have seen him on a few things on Youtube etc and seem like a bit of a character. Great photo of the two of you with your quilt, I am pleased you had someone take the photo for you otherwise it might have ended in roaring laughter like our recent 'selfie' session! :-)

  10. Sounds like a couple of great days.

  11. Glad to see Shane’s play went well. I,was thinking about that the other day. And I’m glad you had fun with Ricky. Your finished Convergence quilt looks great!

  12. Congratulations to your son Sue, what a wonderful achievement!

  13. What a talented son you have - well done him! Thanks for sharing the Ricky Tims pictures. I picked up his Convergence Quilts book for 1 euro at a book sale last week and am sorely tempted! xx

  14. What a fantastic event, I always admire the skill that goes into quilting and yours is simply stunning.

  15. Hi! Congrats on your son's one man play. That's quite an achievement. I saw Ricky Tims a few years ago in Ottawa Canada. It was a very entertaining and enjoyable day. I started my convergence quilt when I knew that I was going to see him - it was far from finished at the time. Your convergence quilt is really great. :-)

  16. So impressed that your son has written and performed his own one-man play. And congratulations on your Harmonic Convergence quilt - lovely colors and design!

  17. What an amazing workshop it must have been. Congrats to Shane on his play.

  18. What a proud moment to watch your son perform. Thanks for sharing the photos. The styles and the colours are so wonderful. Your quilt IS amazing! Love it!

    Thank you so much for linking up on Wandering Camera.


  19. Your quilt is amazing! I love the colors you chose. :-)

  20. Thanks for the pics. I hadn't seen any Ricky Tims quilts in quite a while, and the appliqué is something different than I've seen from him before. He was right, your convergence IS quite amazing. =) You look great, by the way! How wonderful that your son's play has been successful. Art of any kind is always tricky.


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