Saturday, January 5, 2019


I was over at Joan's playing on the longarm I picked up four quilts Joan had quilted for me. These quilts are all heading to the St John of God hospital once I get the binding on and the weather cools down.
Wonderful selection of quilts

This morning I have been cutting applique pieces

and have them ironed into place, I am missing the shoes for the sheep, and they all need eyes, I attached the sheeps arms incorrectly but will work with how they are now.
I am off for an 80th birthday afternoon tea.
Happy stitching.


  1. You always have such interesting things in the works!

  2. Good work for your donation quilts. Looks like a fun appliqué you have started.
    Today was a much better day.

  3. Lovely quilts for donating..
    Cute applique you are working on..
    Bet you had a great time at your special afternoon tea.

  4. you have got a fair bit of binding to do now.... the applique looks fun too... hope the 80th party went well....


  5. Those quilts for the hospital will be greatly appreciated.
    Very cute applique.

  6. Beautiful quilts. I loooove the applique block!!! I hope it is for yourself this time. How did the birthday go?

  7. A lovely cache of quilts Sue. Have fun with your applique x

  8. 4 lovely almost-finishes! What a worthy cause, too. I think that is just the cutest block. It has me wondering what you are making. I think the sheep looks fine with no shoes, and with his/her arms just that way. Such a cute block!


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