Monday, June 10, 2019

Best intentions

do not always work  as planned. 😊 #2 son announced he was coming  for a visit this weekend and would be arriving Sunday afternoon, with his new to us girlfriend. So in the morning I was supposed to get up and clean but I had several cuppas in bed and read my book!! Finally I got up and whizzed around,  dusted, cleaned bathrooms, polished mirrors (how is toothpaste spread so far I wonder??) vacuumed and then it was time for a late lunch. I zipped down the road to get a copy of a turtle enlarged at the newsagents, the decided to try and make the other table runner kit up.
I managed to ge that the pattern right this time, with only two small blunders , but they don't show up too much on the black. I need to add two buttons on the black where the seam folds back to coloured fabric.

The clamshells are coming along nicely, three rows sewn down and the fourth glued in place.
And the turtle is ready to be made, off to find some fabric now.
Happy stitching.


  1. Well done getting all those things done.
    Love that you enjoyed 'several' cuppas in bed and still managed to do so much.
    Your turtle looks like a very interesting project.

  2. You still achieved a lot - looking forward to seeing the turtle swimming around somewhere . . .

  3. Everything is more interesting, than cleaning the house! Gets dirty immediately again. Now if we are making clam shells, or runners, they stay and are so nice to look at!

  4. Reading in bed with a cuppa sounds much more exciting than cleaning the house! Those clams are rather nice.

  5. Bed and cuppas sounds great. I thought I was the only one with toothpaste on the mirror! Have fun with the turtle. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Gee talk about a whizz around the house lol. Better to stay in bed and read I reckon. Tablerunner looks good and I so love those clammies. I am looking forward to seeing the turtle take shape.

  7. haha I know that feeling - just one more moment/cuppa/page/seam.....sounds like you made it all work out in the end! Hope you enjoyed meeting the new gf? The table runner is gorgeous - also love how your clamshells are looking and growing.

  8. You are always busy on some interesting projects Sue...
    Thanks for joining in FNwF too...xox

  9. Much more beautiful productive things to do than clean the house
    The black is very striking on that runner Love it

  10. well done you got heaps done even if plans changed a bit... hope you are having a lovely visit …

  11. It sounds like the cuppas and reading in bed gave you the energy you needed to get everything done. I’m tired just reading about it.

  12. Every time I see your clam shells, I think I need to give them a try!

  13. One of my friends made that table runner pattern at my house one Thursday. She had a couple of issues, too, but it came out really nice, like yours.


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