Sunday, June 2, 2019

Chookshed Party

This weekend has been the annual Chookshed party over at Chookys.

 There are some people in the Chookshed sewing away, I have been busy at home having a virtual party
I was distracted by the galahs  in the gum tree next door

I think they were checking out nesting sites, there is a large group interested in the trees there.

Then  I was distracted by the Tv, the Royal  Military Tattoo was on and I had to go watch the haka, and the Locheil marching team and the NZ Army Band.....this guy kept moving! 

But the KOGO  blanket is sewn together and the crochet edge started.

The Aussie Hero quilt has had the end blocks added, quilting done, lizards added, today is trimming and binding day I hope!

I have also finished 27 One Block Wednesday blocks, my total is now 161, I am behind but will get there eventually

and another border added to the Minions. I am not sure what will be added to these guys next, need to think on that!
Happy Birthday Chooky's Chookshed.
Happy stitching.


  1. You have so many great projects going! I really admire you for all your Aussie Heros quilts.

  2. So many distractions!!
    But you are getting heaps done...I'm enjoying my cyber party too...what an excuse!

  3. Those galahs & their colours are wonderful Sue. What a great virtual sewing party you have had & you sure have achieved lots. Happy Week to you Sue xx

  4. Wow, your quilts and blankets are wonderful, you have made so many squares and they look great fitted together. How lovely to have galahs in the trees, we don't have them here. Glad you enjoyed the party! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  5. I love the blanket, so fresh! What a beautiful bird, nothing like that over here. You are working on a lot of projects, even with the distractions you did a lot of work!

  6. You got heaps done. That wonderful blanket will keep someone very cosy. Love the galahs xx

  7. looks like you have made the most of your time, even with distractions.
    The pink of the galah really pops against the tree trunk.

  8. So many projects nearing completion. You must feel good. Those minions made me smile again.

  9. Good work Sue. You have managed quite a bit.

  10. you got lots done in spite of all those distractions...

  11. You did well Sue, considering the distractions! So good to have another Aussie hero quilt done (it looks great!) plus another growing Kogo blanket. Your little OBW blocks look really good - you'll guess I never even got mine started!!! The Minions is such a fun quilt too :-)

  12. Oh no, I missed the party.
    You got heaps done and managed some time out with the birds too.
    Got to get back into routine with those OBW blocks.
    You would have a decent lap quilt at the moment.

  13. are so prolific! I love the variety of your projects x

  14. You were productive, unlike me who did nothing.


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