Friday, July 26, 2019

Out and about

We are having a few days in Queensland at Peregrine Springs. Hubby is happily wargaming and I am being taken to the beach. ๐Ÿ˜Š

 Late yesterday we went to the Coolum Life Saving club and sat on the deckmwatching for whales.  We were lucky to see several plumes and some large splashes which we claimed as whales!! The humpbacks are migrating back to Hervey Bay in the north to mate and calve.

Today we have been for a walk along the local Peregrine Beach

Coming back we passed several walkers, doing either a  30 km or 60 km walk. Talk about keen!!

A little bit of stitching has happened, one star was finished on the plane trip and another last night, I was too tried to finish the second.
Lunch is now finished and packed away, I am not sure what we are doing this afternoon , but I think a little more stitching might happen.
Happy stitching.


  1. Beautiful beaches!! Good luck with the stitching!

  2. What a beautiful place you are staying at, love those beaches. Beautiful stitching, too. Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Gorgeous photos Sue - what a lovely beach. Your stars are looking wonderful - good to have some stitching with you.

  4. lovely photo's … so good walking on a warm beach...

  5. How nice to be by the coast the warmth. It looks lovely.

  6. Beaches and stitching, how perfect!

  7. I am enjoying seeing your photos from here Sue, it's looks beautiful! Lovely stitching too!


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