Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Feeling good

Today I wrote myself a list of things I wanted to get done in the day, I often do that but also often do not get much ticked off, but  the list is cleared!! Yay!!
That fuzzy pink thing is a galah that seems interested in the bird box in our yard. I hope they nest there this spring!

The seedlings are planted in the vege garden.

Three more International Sisters joined the family. The beautiful blue fabric is from Lin of St Victor Quilts. Lin very kindly offered to send me some fabric to make a Sister. The fabric she sent is late 1970's early 1980's Laura Ashley, it was beautiful to sew and I love the blue. Thank you very much Lin.

Twenty two more One Block Wednesday blocks have been made...only 105 to go!!

I was walking down at the beach yesterday afternoon, these ships were way across the bay

this pelican landed as I walked down the path

and then took off again.

This man was heading out for some exercise, the water was very calm for him luckily.

Signs of spring are happening here.

I decided I needed a pin board to keep things where I could find them, so I got some pin board at Bunnings, the kind man there cut it for me, hubby took over and put the timber top and bottom. Today a builder called to check on some work hubby wants doing and I asked him the best way to put the board up, 5 mins later it was up and ready to use. Too small a job for him to come back for he said so I will do it now! Wonderful man!! Project completed!
Off to do more Sister blocks now.
Happy stitching.


  1. I love this and that posts. We are starting to get the very first spring blossoms here too, although it is too early for many veges as yet, as we will still get quite a few frosts. The pegboard works well. No lost rulers now. Your two WIPS are coming along nicely. It's good to just get a bit done at a time, while still keeping the momentum up.

  2. Your pin board is wonderful. And the quilts always amaze me, you get so much done. Lovely photos, too, galahs and pelicans are birds I can only dream about here. Enjoy spring! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Your pegboard looks very handy. I often make "to do" lists, but rarely ever cross off everything. Good for you!

  4. Well done on so many ticks off your list Sue!! Love your ladies blocks....and your OBW blocks are looking great. The pegboard is a good idea - if you can remember to hang your tools up, you'll be able to find them not problem!

  5. Great peg board - I love mine - and what a bonus to have the builder handy and willing!

  6. Oh I love your Sisters.. and how lovely to have some from Lin... it really is becoming international.... do you want some African themed? I have a collection that I want to do the sisters in when I get to it - quite happy to cut a bit off for you. The pegboard is great... so much easier when you can see what you want and a lovely builder man you found....

  7. Laura Ashley - now that brings back memories! During one of my stints living in the UK, I bought a pair of trousers and a waistcoat with a gorgeous paisley pattern in dark and light purple. Wore it until it was threadbare! Glad you are seeing signs of spring.

  8. Good for you! It's a great feeling when you have accomplished all your list!
    I am always amazed by the quilt squares that you share. They make me smile because they remind me of my mom when she quilted.

    My Corner of the World

  9. Nice to tick everything off the list. The blue fabric worked up niecely, glad you liked it. I am still looking out for some French fabric for you! Your Wednesday blocks are all looking so great and I love the pinboard. xx

  10. I’m a lister, too! And no, I don’t always get everything checked off, but when I do, I feel good, too! I love your sister blocks. They must be adding up now! And your one block Wednesday blocks look so pretty! Love those colors together. I’m playing catch up reading blogs. I’ve been remiss!


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