Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Happy then not

The Supervisor and I have a lovely wander by the beach this morning

everything was calm and not too cold. We met a few other dogs and owners and had a chat.

I picked some more freesias, this is one small part of the park and you can see how many there are just here.

Back home I made the first Sisters block with the fabric from Michelle

then the second one, isn't this beautiful fabric.

I got everything joined together...yay so happy and then realised

one of the Sisters is having a snooze!!! Guess what I will be doing tomorrow......yes some unsewing!! Then I have to sew on the last two corners. So happy to have this project nearly finished. The sad thing is this block has been like this for three days and I have only just realised!!
I had better get some dinner before hubby fades away.
Happy stitching.


  1. At least you realised it before you quilted it.

  2. Sue ... what size fabric do you need for the outfit in this block. I think im going to start these and want to begin collecting fabrics.

  3. Love your beach! The quilt is looking great, sorry that one lady went to sleep! The colours are fantastic. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Beautiful beach views. Sisters look wonderful! So lovely to be part of your quilt. Funny how we get so close to what we are doing that we often don't notice things....like trying not to put the same fabrics next to each other only to find when it's all done ....that's exactly why you have done. Thank goodness you noticed Snoozy Sister when you did.

  5. Yes, I like the black and white fabric with the touch of red - perfect for the Sister's dress! Wouldn't it be fun to let the Snoozy Sister in place and see how many people notice? Congrats on all the work that has been lovingly invested in this so far!

  6. oh poop! - at least you saw it before you got too much further!!!
    its a fun quilt to do with friends contributing.

  7. Oooops! The fabrics from Michelle are lovely. xx

  8. A nice wee outing Sue. Your topsy turvy block could be your Amish block??

  9. Oh my goodness, I don't even know where to begin. Each and every sister is gorgeous. I love how they represent fabrics from quilters/friends allover the world. The use of sashing makes your quilt so much labor intensive, no wonder one sister decided to take a nap. I would too :-)
    Thank goodness for a hubby who is supportive and patient :-) This will be one spectacular finish. I'd love to share it on my blog. Big Hugs to you, my sister!!!

  10. Gosh, your sisters look good. How fortunate that the snoozing sister is on a corner, so quite easy to wake her up. The weather looked lovely for a walk by the beach. How lucky to have wild freesias.

  11. How wonderful to see them all together!

  12. Fabulous Sue!! Your blocks are just gorgeous - what a great variety of fabrics. Glad to hear the snoozing sister has had a wake up call :-)

  13. It looks fantastic... well it will be even better when snoozing sister is woken up.... sneaky having a nap in the corner there. So lovely to have sisters from all over in there...

  14. Sorry, but I laughed when I saw that snoozing sister. It is simply your humility block lol. The quilt looks amazing despite that block.

  15. I smiled at your snoozing sister. I know I would have let her sleep. =) Freesias - did you pick for a purpose or for beauty? Every time I see your beach, I wish I could walk along it, too. I might have said something like that a few hundred times!


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