Monday, April 13, 2020

Squirrel brain

has struck again today, it is a beautiful calm sunny day, it is so tempting to just go and sit outside in the sun and read a book! But I am being strong and am pinning one of the hexie quilt tops I was given to some borders, that have come from left over backing.
Pinning the border to the hexies

I did several laps of the garden this morning, David had left both the side gates open so I did complete laps of the property, made for a little change. Exciting person aren't I!!

I was chatting to Fiona via email and she suggested using some figs to make fig paste, to have with cheese. I liked the sound of that so did some research and found a recipe that uses the crock pot, so first step is to wash and dry the figs, then put the sugar over them and put them in the fridge over night. Tomorrow they will go into the crock pot. I hope I have timed this right as Ingrid is sending me jars and fingers crossed, they will arrive tomorrow.

The last lot of jam I made didn't set so back it went into the post this morning for a bit more sugar and another brew up

and back into the jars, hopefully this time it will be ok.

Yesterday I finished this jigsaw...and yes one piece was missing, but it didn't impact that much.
Yesterday I also put the binding on this lovely quilt made by a Guild member and quilted by Joan, this is now ready for delivery to the oncology ward once we are allowed out and about again.
I am off now to finish pinning the hexie quilt, I might even go and sit outside with some hand stitching, best to enjoy the lovely weather while we can.
Happy stitching.


  1. Well done on keeping yourself occupied at home and in the beautiful garden. Love the quilting. Fig paste and fig jam both sound wonderful, yummy! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. That hexie quilt top is really pretty Sue. I have been walking round my section too & I always think of you! My friend has just made quince paste to have with cheese so the fig paste sounds lovely too.

  3. Yum! I love figs.
    Your hexies are looking good.
    And a lovely finish on the guild quilt.

  4. The Hexie top will be pretty when it's all done...
    Hope the fig paste works out for you...
    Good for going for your walk.
    The Guild Quilt is lovely....

  5. This is so funny ... or maybe I should say weird. I too got my hexi quilt out and am figuring how to add the border to it AAANND I have a Jacob's Ladder quilt that also came out because I finally know what kind of border I want to add to it. Spooky, right? haha! After reading that there was a piece missing in the puzzle, of course I had to find it and it took me a long time. Such a tiny little piece. Good luck with the paste. ;^)

  6. Looking for the missing piece of the jigsaw if like trying to find Wally! the hexie quilt is very pretty and great one for oncology... you will have a nice little pile to deliver. good luck with the fig paste...

  7. No social distancing in your jigsaw picture then! haha.

  8. Some beautiful quilts are being donated to the Oncology Ward. I love the Jacobs Ladder one. Fig paste is so good. I hope it turns out really yummy.

  9. That finished quilt is, so beautiful. Well done. Have fun needle turning the borders on the hexie quilt. Mmmmmm, fig paste will be lovely with cheese . Dad makes quince paste. You are very good getting your daily exercise unkike moi.

  10. The fig paste sounds delightful...what a fun jig saw.....seems a lot of people are doing jigsaws....and reading.
    Great work on the oncology unit quilts too.

  11. It is ok to rest up from time to time.....!! I like the idea of using the crockpot to do some preserving. Your figs have lasted a while - I'm sure yours started before ours and ours are all gone. They were quite small this year so I snacked but didn't cook with any. You are getting some lovely quilts to finish off - nice that there's a team of you all doing parts of the process. Laura used to do a lot of the Wasjig puzzles but hasn't been able to since they got their big dogs...they are a fun challenge!

  12. Good to see that you are able to find so may things to do in these crazy times!

  13. It sounds like you are keeping busy. I love that the quilts are donated :)

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  14. So proud of you to persist despite distractions. I don't wish winter on you, but I am certainly ready for our Spring! Lovely quilt!

  15. Fig paste and cheese.. yummy.. I love that jigsaw and boy did ittake me a while to find the missing piece. Where's Wally at its best.

  16. Your hexagon quilt is very pretty, Sue.

  17. I would have been gutted to find one piece was missing!!! It looks like an awesome puzzle though. I love the idea of walking around your garden... it looks lovely.

  18. I love a group project quilt! It looks lovely. I pretty carefully examined the puzzle and I'd probably be embarrassed at my blindness if you pointed out to me the missing piece, but I don't see one. LOL


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