Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Another update from the home, please feel free to skip over

Radius Matua Update: 5th May 2020

Second day of 0 Covid cases, what great news for us all. Shows what New Zealanders can do when we are faced with a challenge. Keep it up!!
The number of residents still showing some gastric symptoms is now only 2 and they seem to be getting better. We will try and keep the residents and staff sticking to their own areas (or within 2 metres) as much as possible, but when NZ moves to level 2 we will allow the mix of areas again. I would like to remind residents though that if you are well enough, you can walk around outside (within the grounds) or just sit in the sun (none today) for fresh air, if you wish (obviously not if you are in isolation). The Healthcare assistants can help you if you wish to go outside. Most are aware of this but a couple were a bit confused about this, so I thought I would clarify it for everyone.
Buffet Breakfast:
The buffet breakfast this morning was very busy and I am happy to say that we managed to bring residents from the hospital down, to the main dining room for their delicious choice of dishes.
We sat the rest home residents away from the hospital residents to ensure that everyone stayed within their separate area (just in case). Feedback was, it was so nice to be able to socialise and enjoy having their own choice of breakfast. Special thanks to Penny and Klara for helping out with the breakfast.
Residents Thursday Meal Choice:
Following on from the success of last weeks “Residents Thursday meal choice” the votes have begun, to choose between Roast Pork with roast vegetables or Country Chicken Pie ……..both would be great but hey…residents choice to vote.

Church Service:
St Columba ran their audio Church Service today, which attracted a reasonable number of people.
Ice cream:
Despite the weather, the residents were able to enjoy an ice cream this afternoon; the rest home had chocolate ice cream sandwiches. The cooler weather did not stop anyone from saying yes to these treats.

Knitting Group:
The knitting group is motoring through their tasks of making blankets for a worthy charity (not yet decided), they really seem to enjoy their “work”.

Earlier this week I had a walk around the garden, the last of the rose flowers

This bush is covered with flowers and blue coloured berries, I don know what it is.

Hubby decided to paint the tubes the bird feeders in green so they look better in the garden.

The weather is looking a bit iffy!!

There were three bees in this flower when I first saw them, by the time I had focus two had gone.

The Guild now has labels to go on the oncology quilts, I just ave to remember to sew the fabric edging on the right way!

This quilt was made by Lisa at the Guild, quilted by Joan of Faraway Quilts, binding and label by me.

This quilt was made, quilted, bound and labelled by me. Ingrid gifted me the fabric.

Margaret and I cut the blocks for this at the Guild late last year on the Go Cutter, Margaret took the fabric home and despite having a fractured elbow sewed the blocks together and made quilt top.
I quilted bound and labelled. They are now in the bag ready for delivery to the SJOG hospital once we  can go there again.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, I had a walk along the beach and when I came back had lunch in the sun on the back deck. Hubby decided he was going to concrete in the cup bird feeders, so he did, I asked if I could get the cups out out empty them when it rains, they are on tomato stakes and just sitting inside the tubes.....the answer was probably no...mmmm not exactly the answer I wanted and nothing I can do about it. Will go out and have a look once the concrete is set. Garden helpers are useful but not always what you want!
It is Wednesday and that is Anthology day, so I am off to see which block I make today. There is one made with foundation paper piecing so that might be the choice today.
Happy stitching.


  1. You will be pleased to hear that today on the NZ map BOP has no active Covid cases.
    Beautiful coloured rose. Quilts for Others sounds a good title.
    Well done with all yours.

  2. Glad to hear that the statistics are improving, let's hope it stays that way. Your quilting is, as always, fantastic. Have a great day, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  3. I think both NZ and Australia are incredible. Your mother is in a safe place. All of your donation quilts are wonderful, but the blue and green is especially appealing.

  4. Great Matua update. Go NZ. Love the garden..

  5. Good to have another update from Mumm's aged care home.. Nice brekky and ice cream treat.
    Hmm! can't always get good help in the garden. LOL....
    Three beautiful donation quilts..

  6. Such beautiful quilts and I especially love the colours of the first one.
    So glad that all is going well at the home - sounds like a lovely environment.
    Garden helpers are useful but sometimes....... Lovely pictures. xx

  7. It seems like you chose well when you picked this home - I think it's great that they give the family such detailed updates. So good to see the numbers coming down. Don't you just love these helpful husbands - that's the sort of thing Daryl would do too! But the stake does look good painted. Well done on all the team work getting those quilts completed - there will be quite a pile to deliver by the time you're able to get out and about again.

  8. The stake looks good painted Sue but I am not sure about concreting them in!! Mine have never fallen over before & they are just poked in the ground. But these men know best!!! Lovely to get the updates on your Mum - what a wonderful resthome she is in. xx

  9. You’re getting great info from the care home. It must be reassuring. I love the latest quilts, especially the one with flying geese. Your garden is also looking good. It appears we are all in gif done more weather, though you more so than us.

  10. Some lovely quilts there made by some lovely generous stitchers
    Your garden is looking good Lucky to have a garden helper Good help can be hard to find lol

  11. Great news with no cases in NZ. What a wonderful effort and beautiful quilts for the hospital. Chuckling a little about your Garden Helper.....mine is a mad pruner whether I want it or NOT lol!

  12. Those quilts are beautiful. I particularly love the blue one with the flying geese.

  13. Your quilts are always a lovely sight! And the garden s looking promising!

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