Saturday, May 2, 2020


I was lucky and started my FNWF in the afternoon. We had a break in the rain and the sun came out so I decided to baste outside
It was cold out but at least I was a little bit out of the wind

I finished the one above, so decided to do another and had just enough pins!

It is hard to see but the quilt is partially quilted, I have done the serpentine stitch along seam lines.

Just the centre area is done here with serpentine stitch along straight lines again. More needs to be done.

I was watching Silent Witness last night, so gave up the quilting and cut and glued a few more shapes for sewing hearts, not a programme just to listen to.
This quilt top is finished, for now although the instructions say to add another border, but as I made my blocks 10 inches rather than six and a half I think it is big enough. But then I do have half square triangles left from trimming....mmmmm....
So I had a busy afternoon and evening
You can check up on the creations from FNWF's here at Cheryll's blog.
Happy stitching.


  1. Wow! You were able to do a lot over the afternoon and evening. The newly finished quilt top is gorgeous!

  2. Fabulous work, love those quilts. I don't know Silent Witness, but I often craft and watch TV. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Great progress. That looks like a great spot to lay out a quilt for pinning.

  4. Nice to be able to go outside and do the pinning. Good you had enough to do both...
    You did heaps and made good progress on many projects..

  5. The bottle brush quilt is lovely. such a nuisance if you run out of pins - lucky this time!

  6. You're so lucky to have a nice spot to work outside. Nice job making so much progress.

  7. Great work... going outside for some of it makes such a difference...
    the quilts look wonderful... lots there to work on...

  8. Such a lovely spot to do your basting. Your quilt is looking beautiful xx

  9. Glad you could get outside for a while. Always makes you feel better.

  10. You did have a busy day - two quilts basted and starting on the quilting! That last top is stunning. xx

  11. Oh my goodness, you achieved so much - well done!

  12. You got lots done. Oh I do love that bright pink/red/aqua quilt you're working on. It's so fresh and summery.
    Enjoy your week :)

  13. Gosh you really did get plenty done!! You've got a great spot for basting :-) You're going to have quite a pile of hearts....

  14. You are amazing with all those quilts sewn! Such pretty colors too. I have one cut out that I need to sew but just one at a time for me! LOL!
    I'll have to look into that serpentine stitch. Have a great week!


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