Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Another first Friday night of the month has come and gone, sped by like the weeks and months are this year! I joined in with other people in sewing along with Cheryl last night.

I managed to get the brown row sewn onto these hexies

Next step is to get these sewn onto the main part of the Mystery quilt.
Then more brown hexies have to be made for the next step. I am still two weeks behind with this but I have the instructions so all will be good.
I had a walk along the beach this morning, the longer I was out the better the weather got

This lavender bush in the back yard had loads of white butterflies resting in it this morning when I first went out, usually they are flitting about.

One day earlier in the week I walked down to the boat launching ramp, many people had been out fishing and as usual the seagulls and pelicans knew where to come for a free feed. The fishermen clean their fish and the bench and the scraps get thrown to the birds. It got a bit rowdy now and then.
I had better off and do some more on the Guild newsletter.
Happy stitching.


  1. Those hexies are looking good. The "locals" are really intent on what is happening in front of them.

  2. Nice hexies! Love the photos, especially the pelicans, we don't have them here! Have a good and safe weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Your hexagons are looking lovely. How amazing to see those pelicans so close up. xx

  4. Some good progress last night. Isn’t it good to have some nice weather after the last week or so. Going for a walk was a great way to enjoy it.

  5. They look like a hungry crowd!

    cute hexies

    I forgot to join in. . ooops - but I did sew...

  6. I wish my lavender would grow like that. I manage to keep alive a small plant in a pot.
    Love the photo of the pelicans and gulls, all lined up in anticipation

  7. end of the first week of November already.... gosh... love the pelican and seagull picture... "pick me, pick me"

  8. Your hexies look great Sue...
    And we have those gorgeous BiG birds hanging around our fishing ramp too... hoping for
    Thanks for joining in FNwF again...xox

  9. great going on your hexie progress...
    all I can hear when I look at the photo of the seagulls and pelicans is "Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine....."

  10. Hexies are coming along beautifully. Love the pic of the pelicans lined up with seagulls for the buffet.

  11. I look forward to seeing the mystery unfold. Your walk looked lovely. The crowd looks like they are waiting at the fish and chip shop for their order lol!

  12. Good progress with your hexies Sue...
    Love the beach and Pelican shots..

  13. I love to pop in to see what you are up to! Delightful post!

  14. Love your photo of the pelicans and seagulls, it reminds me I have't been to the beach in ages, perhaps I might need to take some time out soon and head to Kingston, which is only an hour away. The fairy is here for 2 weeks, so it might be a fun thing to do??

  15. Wow. Those are some very healthy-looking pelicans. Well fed, it seems!

  16. Gorgeous photos! The hexie project is so pretty.


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