Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Home again

 I am happily home again, even though I had a very happy time away.

I had two lots of happy mail awaiting my return, well three, but one was the DVD of the NZ movie Baby Done, which I watched yesterday and enjoyed.

This box of beautiful goodies was sent to me by Julie from the beautiful blog My Threadbear Life. It smells absolutely wonderful from the lavender soap and holder. Julie always wraps her gifts beautifully, but I have already opened all these up!

How cute is this mouse pincushion Julie made

I am not sure I can stick pins in it to be honest.

There was also this beautiful fabric

special pins

and quilting themed cards. Thank you so very much Julie, you made my day!

This lovely wrapped bundle was next. I saw these on Instagram and had to treat myself to two, actually they went really quickly once offered for sale.

Two beautiful old spoons with words stamped on them!  Mel of Coastal Market place stamps spoons, knives and forks, they look amazing. Bringing life back to old things that might no longer be used.

I am off to sort out this mess, too many things have been dumped in here to be tidied it is later!!
Happy stitching.


  1. What lovely mail - I agree - the mouse is too pretty to use!

  2. I couldn't stick pins in that gorgeous mouse either. Good luck with the tidying up.

  3. How lovely are all your gifts Julie gifted you. The aromas wafting from your parcel must've been divine. Isn't the mouse pincushion sweet. I don't think I could stick pins into it either. Have fun sorting your sewing room.

  4. Oh such happy mail Sue - three fabulous parcels! Glad to hear you enjoyed your time away - and good luck tidying up your room!

  5. Lovely surprises to come back to.
    Nooo, you can't stick pins into that cute little mouse 🙁

  6. Very happy mail indeed! What a gorgeous collection of goodies from Julie and how adorable is that mouse! I love the spoons too. xx

  7. You got some wonderful happy mail, enjoy. The mouse is adorable! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Glad you had such a nice retreat. You have some wonderful goodies.

  9. Looks like you had a great productive time at retreat but it is always nice to be home again. Especially when theres lovely gifts waiting to be opened..
    Guess you've cleaned up your sewing space now..

  10. Ooooh, lovely surprises to come home too..... poor mouse could not possibly get pins in it.... just so sweet....
    Retreats are lovely but it is also nice being home...

  11. Sue - that package contains so many lovely goodies. The mouse jumped out at me right away - so adorable!!! Enjoy your upcoming weekend!

  12. Thanks for showing us our imperfect sewing space. I can relate. When I get busy I dump in there too.

    I am glad you enjoyed your time away.

  13. Glad you had a nice time. Lovely mail indeed....yes I couldn't stick mousey either....too cute! Sometimes you just have to dive into the sewing cave....hope you emerge again.....I usually find other things in their to play with lol!

  14. What a wonderful time you had with Ingrid Sue - just catching up on your posts now. Those spoons are just gorgeous - I love things made with the old cutlery too - gives it a 2nd chance at life. Yes go ahead & stick pins in the mousie Sue!! xxx

  15. Such happy mail. Much better than envelopes with windows. Good luck with your tidy up. I know how it is.

  16. Don't you hate it when " later" arrives! Lol. Oooo I love your mouse but you cannot stick pins into it. Unless it is accupuncture lol. Beautiful fabrics and lovely cards. I wonder where she found them. Don't overdo the cleanup. A bit at a time.

  17. That's great mail! I love the lace on the mouse pincushion. That's a great idea. The saying on the card about prozac made me laugh, too. You have a good friend there. The spoons are great! I hope you enjoyed your straightening time. =)


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