Friday, November 19, 2021

Happy happy mail

 Aust. Post. was very kind to me yesterday, I received a wonderful package from Julie, we got into a conversation a while back about Golly's and guess what turned up in the mail!

Julie's parcels are a work of art in themselves
This little beauty was inside, beautifully made and dressed, look at the shoes!! 
Made with love, sent with love and received with love, and little Suzi will be loved here.
My history with the golly has been a long one, my paternal grandmother used to knit and sew without a pattern, once she knew what she was making off she went. She knitted the characters from the Noddy book series amongst other things.
The first golly she made me, I am told I dropped it out of the pusher and it was never found again. I think this one was fabric and knitted.

My next golly, all knitted, coming home from kindy or school
Dad took lots of photos of us as kids and golly was always there too. I spent many happy day dreamy hours up the grapefruit tree behind me.
This golly I had until is was 21 when my mother decided to throw it out, my Dad got me another one for my 40th birthday 😀.
They might not be PC these days but I have many happy memories associated with my gollies.
Julie also sent me a beautiful Christmas decoration and a NZ magazine which I am really enjoying.
Isn't that so cute? And beautifully made, Julie is so clever. Thank you very much Julie.  I wasn't going to do Christmas decorating this year but I just might now, and bring out the hand made decorations that have been given to me over the years, they also bring back lots of happy memories.
Other happy mail on the same day was this card from my sister in law, she does the most beautiful paintings, takes photos of them and makes them into cards. The has her paintings in a gallery down on the Bass Coast.
Happy mail today were these Tomte who I ordered on line, the family is growing! The two little ones have lights in their hats.

The fat quarter quilt is finished and ready for delivery, I have rubbed at the chalk lines and most have gone now.
Anthology block for this week, I still have over 70 blocks to make!
Progress on the tea and cake quilt top.

To finish up this Tomte came home with me from Van Loons today, they are very popular now and can be found all over the place! 
I had a lovely day today, cuppa with the retreat ladies some of whom I haven't seen all year, some shopping, a browse in the nursery and a chai ( a cheese cake for later 😃) and now it is nearly 5pm. I had better go and do something...not sure what that something is, I will go and look for it!
Have a great evening.


  1. Sue - what a terrific post! Love the Tomtes - they are popular everywhere! Yes, I would agree the Gollys are not PC today, and yet they are part of your childhood memories ... We will be decorating for Christmas soon - always a highlight for me! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. You got a great present, I hated dolls, but loved my golly! All this PC bullshit gets on my nerves, there's so much wrong in the world today, they should do something about that! Have fun with your gorgeous golly girl! Hugs, Valerie

  3. You've had a lovely mail week. Gosh that card painting is a beauty. Love the tomtes.

  4. I love the Golly. And your personal golly history. They were so popular and delightful too
    Now it's Tomte time. I've knitted a few but shall look out for a few different ones to buy. Love the idea of a light in the hat.
    Great post

  5. As always, many lovely things to see on your blog. Tea and cake is coming along nicely!

  6. So much Happy Mail this past week Sue. Yes your Suzi golly sure was made with lots of love. I adore all the photos of you with your little golly under your arm! Such special memories & we just loved them for their happy smiley faces. Your tomtes are just gorgeous ... I think it was your blog where I first learnt they are called that. I always just called them Christmas gnomes. Have a great weekend Sue. xx

  7. What fun Sue and great getting a parcel... I enjoyed seeing the pictures of you as a little girl. I've seen a few of those Tomte around.... (I didn't know they were called that) funny little men...

  8. I loved my Golly too - no idea what happened to it though! Such a lot of lovely post. xx

  9. I love Gollys too.
    You did receive some lovely mail.
    Great to see you in Zoom again.

  10. what beautiful memories of your Gollies. how lovely of Julie to send you one.
    Very cute Tomtes sounds like they multiply as bad as Elves Lol

  11. Love your growing Tompte family. Your Golly is beautiful. Funny how we have such lovely childhood memories. Lovely projects as always.

  12. What a lovely lot of mail, and a special golly story

  13. Julie is so talented. Such special gifts! You’re very lucky. Xxx

  14. Your story about your Gollies is very sweet and memorable. Great stitching too.

  15. What a beautiful gift Julie and it lovely you have all the photos of you and all your gorgeous Gollies…..
    Oh and now your Tomte collection is also growing ….

  16. A wonderful post, Sue! I really loved reading it and seeing all the photos. So many wonderful happy things you got. Little Suzi is adorable and the painting by your sister in law is amazing! Enjoy!


  17. How special to receive the Golly from Julie - neat to see all the photos over the years of you with your gollies! I love the Tomtes too - a fun collection to create!


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