Tuesday, May 3, 2022


 Where have the last few weeks gone?? Time for yet another catch up.

We got back from Baradine to find the builders had been busy

Bathroom gone, toilet door gone and frame in for the new wall
Kitchen gone, not every day you find the bath in the kitchen!! (I hasten to add it will not be staying there) ๐Ÿ˜„
Ensuite gone, new shower base in.
Not much has happened since Easter, the plasterers are supposed to be coming this week sometime.

Last three weeks Anthology blocks.
One I spy Quilt is finished and taken to quilting group.

I started sewing some blocks I was given , I made quite a few but they are now back in the bag as they are all odd sizes and I do not know what the owner of the blocks was intending to do with them, so they will wait for another day.
More of the above

and more, hard to work out a pattern with these ones, they might end up in blocks of four with black borders with all the colours mixed together.

Chooky has a few zoom sessions, it was wonderful to join in and have a catch up when I can.
I was pottering away the other day, binding a quilt when I remembered a sheet I had with churn dash blocks......the squirrel popped in and this happened!!I have been using up charm packs, some whole, some with bits missing, the blocks finish at 13 inches, so I figured 4 x 4 blocks would make a nice quilt

I was sewing away happily and then realised I had done this, so some umsewing had to happen

I got to the last block and realised I had done this on both end pieces ๐Ÿ˜ก, I was not a happy camper I can tell you!! More unsewing happened and I finished the block, happy in the knowledge 16 blocks were done and today could be joining together day. But no, on checking the blocks I find I have 15 ๐Ÿ˜– so today I need to make another one, of course most of the fabric from the charm packs I have been using is gone, so I will have to find something else.

This photo does not really show the colour in the night sky as I made my grumpy way downstairs!! It did cheer me up a little.

The Superheros quilt is finished and has gone to quilt group, it will be given to the Southern Cross kids camp next month.

And The Cat in the Hat is finished, it is going to the Ukranian Church and community centre, either to be used as a fund raiser or to be given to a child who is being relocated to Geelong.
Ok I am off upstairs to make that last remaining block.
Happy stitching.
Here is the seal who made the local boat ramp it's home for a few weeks. Sadly it has gone now, some of the fishermen who launch their boats here did not like the fact that one ramp was closed off to keep the seal safe and demanded he/she be taken away. The day people from the Zoo arrived to collect him/her, it was gone, hopefully swam away into the bay and safety.


  1. A bath in the kitchen. Not often you get to take a photo like that! Hope the renovations go fast .

  2. I hope some more progress on the renovations happens soon Sue; these jobs can sometimes seem to take forever.... so pleased to hear that you will be movng the bath from the kitchen! Great to see that you have had a chance to sew - your Anthology pile must be quite high now! Your churndashes are gorgeous. Lovely charity quilts too. What a shame the seal was forced to move on - hopefully it is having a fine old time somewhere.

  3. The renos are moving along! Love your Superheroes quilt and Cat in the hat. What a pain to have unsewing when you think you are motoring along! Gorgeous sunset! Geez that makes me cranky.....heaven forbid the poor seal was exactly where it belongs....and a treat to experience....I despair of the human race sometimes. I'm glad the seal outsmarted them xx

  4. The reovatios are coming along well. When I was small, my auntie had a tin bath which was brought ino the kitchen, filled with hot water, and then we got in and were scrubbed off one after the other! Love all the fantastic quilting. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Anthology is moving along nicely as usual. You are making great progress.
    Wow, you are in a mess at home but we have to do that during construction. How are you getting along through it all? It will be so beautiful when finished and so worth it.

  6. My Father built houses and did remodeling for folks-my Mother always said it was easier to move than remodel! Living with it is SO hard! Personally, I think the bath tub in the kitchen would be a great conversation starter but chilly for using. I missed you at the last ZOOM, so you must have come in later in the day while I was sleeping! Have fun stitching away! Blessed Be.

  7. Yes I do hope there is some more progress on the renovation work...Lucky your son lives close ...
    You have done a lot of sewing in the past few weeks.
    Such a bummer having to unpick.
    Shame I didn't go onto Zoom on Sunday, was just too tired after driving home on Saturday.Hope to catch up next time.

  8. You have been busy too with lots of lovely projects. That is a gorgeous sky, I am glad it cheered you up. Sorry to hear that about the seal, hopefully it is somewhere safe and having fun as seals do.


  9. The reno's seem slow like everything building wise at present......... Very generous with your quilts and I am sure they will be loved...... Can't wait to see the churn dash blocks......

  10. Having work done is always best remembered rather than lived through x Keep sewing and all the hassle will go by fast and they will be gone x Could be some interesting conversation if the bath was in the kitchen!! lol Hopefully the seal will stay gone .. and free x

  11. That is a major renovation and you can still manage to sew around it. Well done.

  12. So you have the squirrel! Please send him back this way, he forgot to tell me how to continue with the HSTs! LOL
    Oh dear, troublesome as they were, your churn dash blocks look lovely.
    I do hope the plasterers show up soon and you get all of your work completed.

  13. Hope your renos progress quick for you, obviously no renos happening in the sewing room department as you manage to churn out more

  14. Sad to move the seal on, I hope it is happy somewhere. Lots of lovely work happening on the sewing front. Hope the plasterers turn up soon! Once the work is under way you just want them to crack on dont you! xx

  15. Oh how hard is it living through that Reno……..

  16. If you survive the reno, you can handle anything. Maybe the bathtub in the kitchen takes the idea of "open concept" to new levels. LOL
    That third anthology block is really interesting.
    Love a good churn dash. Oh, that would be maddening to discover such a boo-boo on the last block.
    Very pretty fading sun with the trees in silhouette..
    Nice finishes on the novelty quilts.
    I'm glad the seal got away!

  17. Good luck with the renos... its always a pain but the reward will be worth it... xox

  18. Sue - that's a lot of construction to deal with! The quilts are lovely. I especially like the one with the superheroes. My mother-in-law gave me a hedgehog jigsaw puzzle during our recent visit - I am looking forward to working on it soon!

  19. Oh my! I don't know how you manage living with renovations but it is going to be worth it all when finished. Lovely finished quilts and Anthology blocks. I think I would have given up after the first bit of unsewing. Hope the seal went to a nice place. Pity about people lol.

  20. Wow lots going on in your life! My Mum had a PINK BATHTUB in her kitchen/family room FOR YEARS! My Dad used it to hold all his chainsaw blades of all things!

  21. Hi Sue ... just popping by for a catch up visit after returning from Mums yesterday. Your house looks like a war zone!!! I remember living through those kind of reno's. Its not easy but it will be wonderful when you get to put everything back in those lovely new rooms. You still seem to be managing to be creative Sue .. love everything you are working on.xx

  22. Fabulous Cat in the Hat quilt, Sue! And for such a good cause.

    And I am glad that seal swam away rather than be taken to the zoo!

  23. Boy, haven’t YOU bee busy! Everything looks sew good. Your house is having a complete remodel? Wow!


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