Sunday, April 2, 2023


 I have been doing a lot of ironing, cutting and preparing this week, getting ready for Scrub Stitching

Fabric cut for one quilt

two quilts

#3 quilt, more fabric is coming in the mail, I hope it gets here before the weekend. I am doing fat quarter blocks for these quilts so they should come together quite quickly . (She says hopefully!!)

When I was in the kitchen this morning  I could hear and see a galah outside, I thought it might nave been interested in the vege garden below but it's mate was in the tree just a bit further along feasting on these red berries, it was not at all bothered that I went out to say hello and take some pictures.
I spent quite a bit of time on the kitchen this morning preparing the figs for some more jam, there are so many figs on the tree, the birds are having a feast, I watched a silver eye demolish a fig about the same size as its body when I went out this morning.  I have made 10 jars this season so far. 
The Churn Dash quilt is finished - Ready for show and tell at Scrub Stitching

This scrappy quilt is finished, thanks to Joan for the quilting. Joan did a spider web design and it looks amazing.

and the Foundation Paper Pieced hearts are finished.
Two more blocks have been done for Anthology, sorry blogger decided they had to be turned around!

I was given these blocks, they are the last of Kates things, Judy, one local quilter has, 

I am going to add them to the sides of this quilt top started ages ago and never finished, it is long enough but not wide enough, this may just solve the problem.
I had better be off and sort the mess in the sewing room.
Happy stitching.


  1. You've been very busy Sue. Love the jam. One of my favourites.

  2. Looks like you are going to be very busy at Scrub Stitching. Safe travels and I look forward to hearing all about.

  3. Good on you with all your preparation and planning for SS - I wish I was that organised but I hope to get cutting before I leave NZ!!! Hope your extra fabric arrives in time to pack! The Galah photos are lovely - what a treat for you. The Anthology blocks look really good - even if they are sideways! And yummy looking jam too :-)

  4. Oh wow, such beauty to see here. You are a busy lady. The churn dish quilt looks fabulous, as does the scrappy pretty. Gorgeous hearts, too. Fig jam sounds like a treat. It sounds as if you won't be running out of it in a hurry.

  5. Busy lady! I LOVE your Churn Dash, just beautiful. Your hearts are lovely too. Have a wonderful time at SS. xx

  6. It’s good to hear you will have lots prepped for Scrub Stitchin. Great photos of the Galah. Lucky you to have figs. They are so yummy.

  7. Wonderful quilting, you get so much done. That fig jam sounds great! Hugs,Valerie

  8. Lots of lovely eye candy today. So many pretty quilts and blocks.
    Lovely to see the galah.

  9. Lots of lovely prep going on there Sue. The Galah looks amazing - I remember staying with my Aunt in Kilmore & there were lots of them that would come to the feeders on the porch. Just wonderful. I've never tried fig jam but it looks delicious. You've done well Sue. xx

  10. Lots of progress at your place Sue, my CHurn dash is still waiting for binding to go on, and I need to do some cutting and planning yet for something to sew!

  11. Wow! You have been busy. Love your churndash most of all. Colours are so lovely. Have fun at Scrubstitching. I would have no idea how to even get there lol.

  12. So good to be organised when going to Scrub Stitching.
    Your Churn Dash looks great.
    Lots a lovely finishes and always good to have more blocks done,

  13. your churn dash looks amazing.........

  14. I love the birds in Australia. I had never seen anything like their colors before in the states.

    I have never made fig jam. Figs are not found easily here.


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