Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Today I spent a few hours walking along a bike/ walking track looking for caches. 
Sunrise from our unit
This place had many bird boxes by the house and on rhe track
Beautiful countryside here
Love this big old oak tree, there was a cache around the back
I had rhe track to myself fir most if the tine and then along came this lady on the horse with her little dog trotting along beside
I went past big pohutukawa trees
Then I came out to the estuary,  over the water is Athenree
Off in the distance is Tauranga and it looked like it was raining all day there. 
Back at the motel we had lunch, then I went to look for one last cache
I finally found it on the third visit with help from the cache owner, little sneaky thing!
One last walk on the beach
This tree has been washed up and people have added bits of wood as a kind of sculpture
Oops that finger again!!
I have been doing some stitching  - secret at present
Tomorrow we head up to Auckland and stay overnight and Thursday we fly home. 
Happy stitching.


  1. Wonderful landscapes, so beautiful. Love the old oak tree and the wood sculpture on the beach. Enjoy the rest os your trip and have a great journey home! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Looks like a nice relaxing walk. Wow. That sewing looks small

  3. What a lovely place you have stayed at Sue. Love the photo of the tree with your shadows & long legs 😉 Wishing you a safe trip home Sue. xx

  4. Lovely scenery . Hope you had a good trip home today.

  5. It does look beautiful there. Love the blue and yellow. xx

  6. Thanks for the tour, have never been over the ditch

  7. Geo caching really is a good way to get out and explore isn't it? What a lovely day for it. Lovely photos...I love the birdhouse photo and that tree sculpture is also pretty cool.

  8. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing!

  9. Thanks for taking us along on your beautiful walk.
    Love the driftwood beach sculpture.
    Kids often build them on the beach where I go for my bob.

  10. wow wonderful pictures interesting organic views

  11. Awe, you are still in NZ. Wonderful. Knowing you are from there makes sense that your mum was too.
    Beautiful beach scenery.

  12. you can find those things everywhere can't you..........


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