Sunday, July 2, 2023

Special happenings

 One of the reasons for us coming to NZ was to celebrate Raewyn's special birthday. We met at an events centre just out of Whangarei last night. The theme was 60's.

Raewyn's beautiful cake, love the chooks tucked under the quilt!

How cute is that?

Raewyn and her sister

Raewyn and daughter, watching the grand children

Raewyn and the MOHL

Cake cutting, much excitement as to who was getting a chook from the cake

Ganma was very popular!

Off to cut and share, I must say it was a beautiful cake, it was taste tested!

the selfie queens trying again!! 😀 It was so nice to see Raewyn surrounded by her friends and family and everyone having such a good time.
Hubby and in our improvised costumes

I found a pair of jeans in Geelong, great flares and peace signs, but sadly couldn't do them up over my larger body!! Hubby suggested I cut the legs off and sew them onto another pair of jeans that did fit, so that was what I did. I haven't
 worn flares like that for a very long time!
We had to leave before the festivities finished, although we did get to listen to the band who were amazing .
I had better go and check on the dinner.
Happy stitching.


  1. What a lovely occasion and that cake does look stunning! xx

  2. Flares and peace signs - I need jeans like that, too, wow! Great photos of you all, lovely to see all your smiling faces! The cake looks fantastic, happy birthday to Raewyn! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Fabulous... great to see the photo's...

  4. That cake was pretty darn cute and made me think of Chooky with the chooks on top.
    It looks like Raewynn had a lovely birthday surrounded by people who love her.

  5. Thank you for sharing the top of the cake, as I only saw the sides on Raewyn's blog. What a great time, and your husband is one clever problem solver! So glad you got to go!

  6. I know I've said it already, but it was sooo great you could time your visit to co-incide with my party!!! The peace jeans were pretty cool!

  7. Looks like a special catchup and lot of fun

  8. so good to be able to go to Raewyns birthday.......
    l love the jeans and a great idea to make them fit.....


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