Friday, June 30, 2023

Visiting New Zealand

We saw the sun rise as we waited to board the plane at Tullamarine.
The plane wad 1 hour late leaving and we had to stay on the plane until the people with a connecting flight got off. 
But we collected the hire car/bus and joined the traffic jam that is the Western motorway I asked hubby to take a photo but nothing in gallery so I guess it didn't work 😒
We met Jenny for dinner and a catch up and forgot to take a photo - today we have driven north to Whangarei. We had coffee and a break in Wellsford 
The home of the lama for some reason! 
We had lunch by the water and I looked fir a cache, no joy, then we went to see the Hundertwasser art gallery and museum.  The building was designed by Hundertwasser and used mainly recycled materials. He believed in stepping lightly on this world.
The cupola on the top of the building 
And a roof top forest of native trees and plants.
The tapestries are lovely
This painting is made using West Coast black on linen  plus some find of fixative to keep it there, was very textural. 
Outdoor steps to the roof garden
The front of the building.
I will around here as this post is very photo heavy and  blogger on  the phone is not happy. 
Off to so some stitching before dinner.



  1. Oh so envious! Hundertwasser is one of my art heroes. Love it all especially the tapestry's. Thank you. xx

  2. Since you went to Whangarei, I would presume you caught up with our dear Raewynn. Hope you two had a nice catch up visit.

    I love your travel photos.

  3. What a wonderful trip you had, and Hundertwasser, great! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Have a great holiday. Lovely photos

  5. what a great place to visit.... i love the art work...

  6. I hope you are having a great holiday over here and ya know freezing ya bums off! Are you coming to Hamilton?

  7. A great tour for us - thank you!

  8. The tapestries are amazing. Looks like you didn't waste any time seeing the lovely sites. Just as well you weren't departing Tulla on Friday. Hope you are having a great time catching up with friends.

  9. I'm so glad you two took this visit and you've shared so much. I'll have to visit when you are touring NZ, if I ever get to come! The area around your house and Elefantz's are the two places in OZ I want to see - and a friend in Brisbane. What a lovely dream that is, and in the meantime, I have your photo shoots!

    I've never seen anything like the tapestries, or the Hundertwasser buildings. I like what the first sign you posted says. We do need to learn to behave, and I'm glad to see it isn't just Americans. We have saved a lot of nature in our national park system, in our national forests, and states set aside places, too, but it is a constant battle between nature and man. Thank goodness for those who began thinking like this more than 100 years ago!

    Thanks again for your wonderful sharing.

  10. I didn't realise I was so behind in your posts! There was so much contraversy with the building of the Hundertwasser (mostly because of the amount of council money that was being put into it) but it is good to now seeing it being enjoyed!

  11. Thanks for the tour, catching up on your blog sue


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