Tuesday, October 17, 2023

This and that

The Aussie Hero quilt is now all fixed up and finished and gone to the recipient
I was happy with it. 
I had to go to Ocean Grove Monday morning so had a short walk at the beach, there was a howling wind blowing, so it was not pleasant, but I got plenty of fresh air !
The waves were pounding in. 
I visited Finn a couple of days over the weekend
He is such a happy soul
His Dad cooked him chicken and mashed potatoes, he played more than he ate that time! 
I got caught on the rain one day having a walk
The weather does not bother the pelicans 😁
Saturday morning I joined on the zoom session with the Chookshed Stitchers, people came and went,
Janet, bottom centre, shared her walk and sunset with us from the US.
I have a pile of quilts to bind, one a day I thought and so far this week nothing has been done.
Maybe tomorrow. 
I am off for a walk
Happy stitching. 


  1. Great finish Sue. I love walking by the sea no matter the weather. Our nearest coast is rugged in places so great fun when the waves are crashing!
    Missed out again on the Chookshed chat - getting used to a new computer and when chookys invite came through realised I didn't have zoom!
    Good luck with all that binding. xx

  2. Your quilts are always wonderful. And Finn is gorgeous! Hugs, Valerie

  3. You did a fabulous job on that quilt. It certainly looks wild and windy on the beach. Sorry I missed you on Zoom last week.

  4. It was nice to see you on Zoom. Your walks would have been “bracing”. The quilt will brighten the bed of a service person. I’m sure they will love it.

  5. The Aussie Hero quilt is fantastic!
    Love the places you get to walk. The ocean is always awe-inspiring to me.
    Finn is adorable. Makes me smile just looking at his cute face.
    Do you bind by machine or hand? No way on earth would I get a hand binding done in a day--unless I didn't do anything else from sunrise until bedtime, for even a minute (including eat).

  6. Your Aussie Hero quilt turned out amazing Sue - you do such a great job of them. Gosh Finn is growing up so fast!!! Looks like he loves his food even if he does play in it. That pile of quilts looks very lovely even just sitting on the armchair. xx

  7. It's lovely to see everyone's walks, we all have some lovely outdoor scenery to share.
    Those quilts look lovely, I enjoy binding and raerely put it off.

  8. That is one awesome penguin! Cutie Finn brings smiles.

  9. Trying to catch up on everyone's blogs Sue, you sure have been busy, well done to you. Zoom time has been a bit tricky lately, not been home very much.

  10. One a day is a solid effort.... Hope you got some of the bindings done.....


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